Chapter 8 The Dream Realm

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Dog's POV:
Ah yes, the dream realm, my birthplace. It's always fun bringing new people here, I get to see how they react to all the wonderful and horrific things here, that and the nightmare realm. If there's a dream realm then there's a nightmare realm right? There's so many things to do and see here. You can travel beyond your world and plain of existence through dreams, go to places that are nearly impossible to traverse in the world of the awakening. Tho sometimes, your not always in control. Once we fall down we land in the pick up stop, it's basically the first place you'll see when ya get here. But Hob is still asleep.
Dog: way-key, way-key, we're here.
Hob: mmm...wait...already?
Dog: yup, and now we may scavenger hunt.
Hob: wow this...are you sure I'm not on acid or something?
Dog: no the first time anyone comes here they usually assume there having a really weird fever dream.
Hob: How are we supposed to find Grimdark in this mess?
Dog: y-
???: Hi Hob!
Hob: what the...
Hob: Pilot?? What the heck!? How did you get here???
Pilot: uhh...I don't know? Funny that your in my dream.
Hob: oh she doesn't know...
Pilot: know about what?
Hob: That this isn't really...a dream?
Pilot: But that just can't be true! I mean, how can anything that horrifying be real?
Hob: what-

Hob: What in the name of the prodigy god is that?? Why is it here??Dog: ah the dream realm is looking offaly gloomy today

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Hob: What in the name of the prodigy god is that?? Why is it here??
Dog: ah the dream realm is looking offaly gloomy today...well, more gloomier that usual. Those are nightmare bubbles, we got dream bubbles and nightmare bubbles. I bet Grimdark is hiding in one of those.
Pilot: uhh...can someone please elaborate?
Dog: The dream realm works in a weird way. You see those bright colorful bubbles over there? Those are dream bubbles, it means that someone is asleep and that's basically a gateway into their dream. Oh but these black ones tho. They are called nightmare bubbles, a direct gateway to the nightmare realm. If there are dreams then there's also nightmares. These are peoples nightmares that your looking at, if you look inside a black dream bubble you'll encounter a person's worse fear.
Pilot: isn't that invasive and creepy?
Dog: It is. That's what I like about it.
Hob: I uhh...think we might be getting a little off track here.
Hob: Where's Grimdark ?
Dog: Well he's in one of these nightmare bubbles no doubt, but there seems to be quite a lot of spooks in the dream realm today. Where to start...
Pilot: do you know what he looks like? And how do you know if he's evil or not?
Dog: Well I wouldn't say he's truly evil, he just gets...exited sometimes. When he does he becomes super hyper and begins to run amok causing a lot of havoc and chaos in the dream realm. Stuff of nightmares if you will, anywho it's best that he stays asleep.
Pilot: and how are you supposed to do that?
Dog: well that's why I'm here.
Hob: hmm...maybe he's in that big one right there...
Dog: you mean that one? Hmm...I don't know, it would seem to easy.
Hob: what's wrong with that?
Dog: Because I have a bad feeling about it...but...let's check it out.
I guide Hob towards the nightmare bubble, her friend Pilot seems unsure but she seem to be ever so eager to follow Hob. The nightmare bubbles are black a gooey and when I stick my head into them all I see is darkness, at first. The smoke that was in my face begins to clear up a bit and now I can see the nightmare we've entered. Oh, oh he's here alright, and he's ready to play. You see those dead cats? Well of course you can't your just a reader peaking into this world with no clue of what's going on. Your just here to watch aren't you? Well, better give the audience what they want.
Dog: Get in.
Hob: Is he there?
Dog: yes, now get in.
Pilot: oh...! W-wait for me!
Hob: Are you sure you wanna follow it's not
Pilot: Huh? My, what is that awful smell?
Dog: Hey we don't have all day now he's waking up...! C'mon!
I pull Hob's and Pilot's hands and drop them into the bubble, but when I try to pull myself into it it won't let me in. The laws of the dream realm is that if you do not know the person who is dreaming you can never truly enter their dream. It's mostly privacy reasons, don't we all like a little privacy? But that means that Hob and Pilot know this person and could potentially be another friend of theirs.
Take a guess?

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