Chapter 16: Holding Out For A Hero!

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Chapter 16: Holding Out For A Hero!

*Willow's/Anastasia's POV*

"C Minor, put it in C Minor."

My eyes went wide at hearing the sound of Fairy Godmother's singing.

We're so close, yet so far, damn it!

🎶Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the Gods?🎶

"Uh, I'm right here?!" Zero yelled, responding to the song.

🎶Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?🎶

I could literally feel Zero roll his eyes from where I stood on Mongo's shoulder. "Sorry, I'm afraid Hercules won't be able to make it, but his brother certainly can and will!"

"Calm down, Zero! It's just a song!" Alice reassured him.

🎶Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need🎶

"Hit it!"

"Keep going, Mongo! You can do it!" I encouraged him. We could hear a band and a choir join Fairy Godmother.

🎶I need a hero🎶

"Alright right, big fella! Let's crash this party!" Shrek yelled determinedly.

🎶I'm holding out for a hero 'too the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta me fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight🎶

Alice giggled and poked Zero teasingly. "Aww, she's singing about you, Zero~"

"Man the catapults!" A knight called out to a few other knights who were stood behind him once we reached the gates.

🎶I need a hero🎶

"Brace yourselves!" Shrek yelled over the singing.

Mongo pointed to the fire that was aimed at him on a catapult. "Ooh! Purty!"

🎶I'm holding out for a hero 'too the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon🎶

The fire ball hit one of Mongo's gumdrop buttons, making him stumble a little and groan in weird as it sounds for a cookie.

🎶And he's gotta be larger than life🎶

The gumdrop button started slowly descending to the ground. Poor Mongo!

"Not the gumdrop button!" Gingy cried out.

🎶Larger than life🎶

Mongo screeched loudly in anger, making us put our hands to our ears.

He kicked the gumdrop button that was now on the floor surrounded in a mix of purple and blue flames back to the knights.

Pinocchio and the others got off Donkeys back and moved further away while Puss In Boots stayed on. Donkey kicked his front legs up in the air and charged forward again with Alice and Zero flying next to them. "Ha-ha! Alright!"

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