Chapter 11

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"So tell me about yourself." He stood in front of the liquor cart, speaking with his back to me.

"What do you want to know?" I didn't have a watch and there was no visible clock, but I wanted to know what time it was. 

I hadn't been here long, but Kyle did say in and out. That obviously wasn't happening any time soon.

"Your full name, where you're from, I love the accent by the way." He turned around and started walking towards me.

He stopped in front of me and extended his arm. I stared at the bourbon floating in the shiny cup, "I don't drink."

"Of course you don't. Don't worry, I'll drink yours too." He winked at me then sat down on the other end of the couch.

"Alright, I'm listening. Go," He said then took a sip.

At the moment, I was kind of confused. I had been told multiple times to never give real information about myself. But I knew that if I made something up, he'd figure it out, hunt me down, and I'd most likely end up dead. He didn't need to know everything, but a few things couldn't hurt. Right?

"Alexandria Camps-."

"No middle name?" he questioned.

"Not that I know of," I murmured.

That was the truth. I had heard rumors of why I didn't have a middle name, but I had also heard that I had one, but no one had told me.

"Hmm... how about Lynn? Alexandria Lynn Camps. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" He took a sip of his bourbon and settled into the couch more.

"I suppose," I stared down at my fingers and twirled the tiny ring on my right hand.

"So... judging by the way you speak, I think you're from the southern states." I could feel his stare on the side of my face.

"Virginia," I whispered.

Then weight shifted, he had gotten off the couch and came and sat next to me. His shoulder was touching mine, and he was swirling the golden liquid around in his cup. I stole a glance at the side of his face. His jaw was clenched and the muscles in his neck seemed flexed.

"I'm not an idiot, sweetheart. I know exactly why you're here," he said.

"Then why did you try to get rid of me yesterday?"

I don't know why I suddenly held the confidence to speak up. He looked at me, his stare intense.

"Because you can't be here. As nice as it'd be to go home, I need to be here."

Wait, what? I started taking mental notes that I could share with Kyle.

"Elaborate please," I turned my body more towards him.

He let out a deep breath and scrubbed a hand over his chin.

"It's nothing you need to be concerned about. Just be smart and don't mess with the bastards in charge of this place okay? I'd hate to see your blood splattered all over the winery out there," He smirked.

I scratched my head and looked out the window straight ahead.

"Nathan..." I muttered.

"Oh, I love the sound of my name with your voice," he purred.

Goosebumps shot up my arms and down my back.

"I'm here to get you out. I don't understand why you're doing this and keeping these other people safe, but I know you won't tell me. Just know that I'm coming back. And no matter how much of a resentment I start to grow for you, I will do everything I can to get you out." He sat silently stared at me, then took another drink.

His hand slid over mine and he gripped it. My eyes widened and I tried to play it cool.

"How sweet. I'm touched, I'm really touched. But I'm guessing this means you're done talking huh? I appreciate your time, darling," he said smoothly.

He slowly pulled my hand up to his face. My eyes didn't leave his, and his didn't leave mine. His lips came into connection with my hand, and my breath got caught in my throat. He stared at me. The bastard was seducing me, that's what he was doing. And he was doing a damn good job at it because all I could think about right now was ripping both of our clothes off. Once he was done, I quickly stood up and smoothed my clothes out.

"You're free to go, I'll be looking around for you, but don't do anything dumb," he winked.

I tried to walk away, and hurry out the door. But something was holding me back. I've been confused every since we landed in this goddamn country, but it had only gotten worse.

"You said looking around for me," I muttered.

I slowly turned around and laid my eyes on him.

"So?" he shrugged.

"Where are you going?"

He furrowed his eyebrows at me then slowly grinned. I've never been very good at reading between the lines, but I guess I had done it this time.

"You caught my slip up didn't you? You're a smart girl Alex, you'll figure it out. Now I suggest you scurry out of here, because I'm getting my room checked in about five minutes," he glared me down, just as I was doing to him.

Wait, five minutes?

"Dammit," I muttered. 


I LOVE NATHAN WOW. And I loved making Alex shy-ish in this chapter because that isn't her at all. Sorry it's so short but I HOPE YOU LOVE IT ANYWAY BECAUSE I LOVE YOU

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