Chapter 15

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Nick looked at me and I gave him a desperate look back, this couldn't happen. I took a small step back, trying not to be so close, but he noticed. He just smiled at me before taking both of the drinks in his hand. He handed me one and my palms started to sweat.

 "I'm not a drinker," I muttered.

 I could tell my American accent made him smile even more.

"Give it a try," he said quietly.

I did as he said and let the liquid burn down my throat. After the initial contact it wasn't so bad, but I'd much rather drink apple juice.

 "You, didn't have to buy me this," I said as I watched Nick walk away, he gave me a wink and I shed a tear on the inside.

 I didn't want him to leave me alone. I knew that Kyle and I were supposed to be making friends, but this guy wouldn't have been the person I chose.

 "But I did. When you see a beautiful woman, buying her a drink is the excuse you use to talk to her. Besides, I saw the grip you had on Nick, I couldn't just come up and tap your shoulder," he grinned.

 I smiled back awkwardly, I hope I hadn't made a scene with that. Training reflex I guess.

 "Would you mind going for a walk with me?"

What did I have to lose? His tall figure loomed over me, his suit fitting his obviously sculpted body perfectly, and the scruff on his face was the perfect amount. I shrugged and he placed a hand on my back before leading me through the crowd. The backyard was huge. There were fountains and sparkling lights. It was completely dark now and the stars were starting to shine.

"Wow," It all took my breath away.

"I've been to America before, it doesn't look like this too many places does it?" he asked.

 "Not where I live anyway," I mumbled.

He sat down on a bench that was in front of a tall, glistening fountain. I sat down next to him and set my clutch, watching the water descend.

 "I know why you're here."

I sat up more straight and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm sorry?" I swallowed.

 "Word doesn't always spread quickly around here, but I take it upon myself to know certain things. You're here for the mansion situation aren't you? Terrible thing going on but I didn't think they'd bring in people from another continent to address the issue," he said.

 I just sat and listened to him, my mouth gaping slightly open.

"Um, okay... look, I'm not sure what details you know or you think you know, but it's really best if you just... don't worry about it," I said.

He just smiled before looking back out at the scenery in front of us; couples walked along the paths and stood in front of fountains.

"I never got your name, I'm Matteo." No last name huh? Interesting.

"Alexandria," I replied.

He nodded an approval of my name and I rolled my eyes. What was even happening right now?

 "Who are you? I have a job to do and right now, it seems like you're just wasting my time," I set the glass down next to me and stood up; I didn't have time to play games with people anymore.

 "Oh on the contrary, you need me," he stood up.

His voice was rougher now and the flirty look in his eyes disappeared. I took a small step away from him and he presented my glass back to me. I reluctantly took it, keeping my eyes locked on his.

"Di'Angelo and Mario are the ones who have control of that house currently. It rotates, there's about six different guys who come through every two weeks, forensic counter-measure you could say. Di'Angelo and Mario should be gone within the next two days," he explained.

A rotation? Two big boss guys could have been handled, but six? Kyle and I were doing this all on our own and we could barely work together right now, there was no way we could take down six men. My face was twisted in confusion as I started to piece things together.

 "Lead the way and I'll tell you all I know," he smiled darkly.

 I just glared at him before I turned around and started to follow the sidewalk.

 "Can you explain to me why these guys are so intent on this mansion? They didn't even live there and now they're trying to make some bold political statement saying the city shouldn't own it, why is it such a big deal?" I asked.

 "One of the guys, I don't know which one, but I believe Mr. Delrie was his grandfather," he replied.

"So? That isn't a good reason to take hostages. Threatening the lives of innocent people over some property rights dispute is childish," I said annoyed.

 We had turned a corner and were met with a small pond, white flowers blooming beautifully around it. We stopped walking and I faced him, but he kept his gaze down to the water.

"I agree, which is why it amazes me that American agents were called in. I'm not the one wasting your time, whoever sent you got to that first," he said sharply.

 His words hit my brain hard. Maybe he was right. The fact that my dad had sent us here did kind of surprise me. Maybe the local government didn't have the best training, but that didn't mean they couldn't do this on their own. At the same time, it's not like I was dying to go home either.

 "Do you know who the hostages are? They're my number one priority," I said shaking the idea about my dad away.

"Nathan and Anne Marie," he replied.

 "Anne Marie," I repeated, "how did you know that? I've done extensive research and I couldn't find her name anywhere."

 "She's my sister," he replied looking at me.

 Oh great. Just great.

"Your sister? Um... I'm sorry," I said shocked.

"Don't be. She's been gone for a while now and the worst part about it is that everyone knows, but no one can do anything," his voice lowered and he actually looked upset.

"Well... I can tell Americans aren't your favorite people and I don't blame you but... my partner and I, we're the good kind. I'm only here to help," I gave him a small smile and he smiled back lightly.

Then I heard a noise. It was a loud, glass-breaking scream. We both turned around and I watched as people were trying to push their way out of the door.

 "What's going on?" I gasped.

"No idea," Matteo muttered.

 "Stay here, and do me a favor and hold this," I shoved my purse and glass into his hand and then bolted towards the building.


ok so this chapter is nice because we're finally getting some clues and we know who the second hostage is yayyyy! but if you liked this chapter, wait till you read the next one, it's about to get a trillion times better from here on out babes. scout's honor. HAVE A GREAT SUMMER AND REMEMBER I LUV YA

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