Chapter 10

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"Holy shit." I muttered.

Coffee tables, bookshelves, portraits, and liquor carts lined the walls. A small chandelier hung over the queen sized bed that sat in the very middle of the large room. The walls were a deep red color that made the blood in your veins jealous.

I walked farther into the room, just admiring everything. I lived in a mansion back in Virginia, but American mansions were completely different from ones in Europe. As I walked along the bed, a newspaper on the nightstand caught my attention. I bent down looking at it and jumped a little. It had today's date.

"Yes, Kyle. Leaving me alone was totally the smart thing to do." I grumbled.

I hurried over to the door, determining the best way to leave the house when I heard footsteps. I stopped in my tracks and looked up. There were stairs close by, and I could hear each foot plunking down on one.

"Shit, shit, shit."

I looked around and almost smiled when I saw the large walk in closet in the corner. One of the biggest things I hated about this job, was the rule that you had to keep everything the way you found it. Which was why, I didn't close the bedroom door when I walked in, didn't touch all the pretty sparkly things, and didn't shut the closet door as I hurried inside.

And of course with my luck, the lights were on. I went back into the deepest, darkest corner I could find and squatted down. The closet wasn't as big as I was hoping. I looked around and then noticed all the clothes that were around me. I saw something I didn't want to see. Lazily thrown in one of the baskets, was a pair of cargo pants, with a blue anchor on them... Just like the guy who had caught me two days before.

"God dammit." I whispered.

Then I heard them. Heavy footsteps. They came into the room and I heard a deep groan. Two thunks vibrated the floor, and I assumed he had taken his shoes off. I held my breath longer than I ever thought I could. His softer footsteps were coming closer to the closet. He was inside, he was inside the damn closet. I heard a soft swoosh sound, like fabric rubbing up against skin.

I opened my eyes, and saw him through a rack. He was standing with his shirt, now in his hands, looking at something. On his right shoulder blade, I saw a tattoo printed in curly letters, it was too far to read from here.

"I think I need a drink," He suddenly said.

I jumped a little and then took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"Nathan, it's been quite a long day."

The face now had a name.

"And I think it's because you're so tired that you feel like someone is watching you," He started moving closer to the basket across from me.

Oh no.

He stood in front of the basket and threw the shirt in, I watched as his back muscles flexed. Well, at least I'd have such a nice last image before I was murdered. I knew at this point, there was nowhere I could go. I was trapped. It wasn't dark enough for me to just hope he wouldn't see me, so I decided to be dumb. I slowly stood up.

"Oh look at that, you were right." Nathan said to himself.

Then he turned around and his eyes landed on me. My heart fell to my stomach.

"Oh a female visitor. I'm starting to feel at home now," A grin spread on his face.

"Well show yourself dear, you've been caught in the act."

I didn't want to. I wanted to stay in this corner and die. I was honestly terrified. But I sucked it up. I took a deep breath and stepped into the light. He was even more gorgeous up close.

"Look who it is. Little Ms. I think I can kick ass," He grinned.

I kept my mouth shut and my stare hard.

"You gave me quiet the headache, darling. I had to take some pills and a nap after that head butt. But I'm impressed. I heard those bastards are quite difficult to successfully complete. But you did it," He kept grinning.

"What's your name?"

I didn't want to answer. I didn't. But I did.

"Alex," I said quietly.

"Well Alex, even though you don't know how to use common sense, I will have to admit, you're a very beautiful girl. I'm flattered that you're stalking me," He stepped close so that his face was only a few inches away from mine.

"I'm not stalking you. I'm trying to help you. I know that you don't belong here," I said.

Not smooth, Alex. Not smooth. He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? What are you, a journalist or something then? All you had to do was ask for a story, dear. I'd be happy to sit down and have an intimate moment with you," His eyes scanned my body and I got shivers.

"I'm not a journalist. I'm just trying to help you. You didn't let me explain myself when we had that incident a few days back."

I don't know where this confidence was suddenly coming from.

"Damn, I guess you're right," His fake interest was pissing me off.

"How rude. Why don't you hang around for a while then? We can have a drink or five and I'll just sit and listen to that beautiful voice of yours," He stepped closer and slid a hand up my arm.

I wanted to scream.

"No, I think I should go."

I tried to walk away. Then he completely tightened his grip on my arm and yanked me back into him.

"Oh no, darling. I let you get away once, I don't intend on that happening again."

My heart was beating a million times per second.

"But... what about the other people here? They won't-they won't want you to have a visitor will they?" I never stutter, ever.

I had to think extra hard in order to avoid saying visitors. I had no idea where Kyle was right now, but I was praying he was okay.

"You'll be my little secret. You go have a seat on the couch out there and get comfortable. I'll shut the door, pour us something to drink, and it'll be our intimate little get to know you. Sound good?" His grin was the most intimidating but attractive thing I had ever seen.

I didn't want to be strangled or anything, so I nodded, and bit my lip.

"Don't worry, we'll have fun."

Then he placed a hand on my cheek, and I felt his breath run down my face. His face was so close, that when he spoke, his lips occasionally brushed against mine.

"Go sit down now, gorgeous. Do what you're told and I'll let you go back to wherever you came from."

I almost started sobbing in tears of joy. I stepped away from him and slowly started exiting the closet. I brushed a hair behind my ear as I entered the room.

"I like you're hair Alex. It's lovely," An almost genuine smile appeared on his face, and I strained to give him a small one back.

Then he shut the door and faced me entirely.

"Party time, darling."


HERE'S ONE OF THE SEXY EXOTIC BAD GUYS I WAS GOING ON ABOUT! YAYAYA! I like Nathan lots and I hope you do too. This won't be the last you see of him, I promise. This is one of my fave chapters so far. And if it's one of yours you should vote, comment, tell a friend, and read some of my other stories bc they're great like this one. HAVE A NICE DAY AND KICK SOME ASS, IT'S 2015 YOU CAN'T NOT BE A BO$$

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