Chapter 14

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I stripped down and took the fastest shower of my life. I did my make up in about three minutes and brushed my hair so it was straight. I pinned it back, put on the dress and ran back into my room. Kyle was still sitting there, his thinking face in full force. I threw my clothes on the bed behind him and bent down to my suitcase, "Shit, I don't have shoes," I muttered.

I stood up straight and looked around for my jewelry. As I tried putting the necklace on, a strand of my hair got stuck and I quietly cursed myself.

"Alex, give me the damn thing," Kyle spoke up.

I looked over to him and smiled weakly, placing the necklace in his hand. He stood up behind me and wrapped the necklace around my neck as I held my hair.

"Thanks." I grabbed my phone and purse and hurried to Lina's room. As I reached up to knock, the door flew open. Her hair was up in a bun and she had the whitest dress I had ever seen.

"You look great," I scanned her up and down.

"Oh thank you, did you need something?"

"Yeah, we didn't get any shoes, do you have any I could borrow?" She stepped aside and I entered into her room.

I was met with dark green walls, Spanish quotes laced across each of them, the prettiest looking bed I had ever seen sitting in the middle. Lina bent down into her closet and pulled out a pair of tall, shiny black heels.

"What are these, six inches?" I asked holding them in my hand.

She smiled awkwardly and shrugged, "I only have two pairs and I don't think the green ones I'm wearing would match your dress."

"Yeah, you're right, thank you. I owe you one," I smiled as I bent down to slide my feet into them.

We walked out of her room and into the living room where her mom and Kyle were making small talk. I wiped the corners of my mouth, feeling the lipstick that had smeared, and brushed my hair back behind my shoulders. This was the first time I had seen Daniela since our awkward dinner and she gave me that same warm smile she always did.

"Oh Alexandria you look lovely!" she exclaimed clasping her hands together.

"Thank you," I smiled lightly.

I checked the time on my phone, six forty-seven, great timing Alex.

"The driver is outside, so let's get going," she said.

We all filed out the door one by one and I trailed in the back of the group behind Kyle, his cologne hitting my face. Once we were outside, two black cars pulled up, their drivers got out and held the rear doors open.

"You two can follow us, see you there," Lina smiled.

Oh great, now we'd be stuck in a confined space. Kyle stepped aside and swept his arm out, signaling for me to go first. Once we were both seated, the car started, and we were on our way.

"PTSD," I blurted.

I had been silently staring out the window for majority of the ride when suddenly the idea hit me.

"What?" Kyle looked at me.

I pulled my phone out of my purse and opened up my notes. "I thought that maybe it was the girl with Stockholm and that was the reason Nathan was stuck there –."

"And that seems rational," he interrupted.

"Yes, but he could have PTSD too, which would only make things worse. If he has some kind of relationship with her, whether it's romantic , or they're friends, or even if they were strangers before but he's known her so long, he wouldn't be able to just leave her behind. Who knows what's happened to the two of them in there, or even before they got there. He seemed like the type who would risk getting violent if necessary like he had with me," I explained.

"He could just as easily be a psychopath, Alex," Kyle said matter-of-factly, not even looking at me.

We were approaching the building which looked like a building off of a college campus, old fashioned and prestigious.

"Oh my God, forget it," I rolled my eyes.

Sometimes, having a conversation with him was like talking to that one teacher in school who really shouldn't be a teacher. I ask a question or try to get help or even answer a question, and I get shut down like I'm stupid. I understand that he's mad at me, but he didn't have to show it and make me feel like an idiot when I was trying my hardest.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak but the car stopped. I looked out my window and a man walked around, opened the door, and helped me out. The sun had almost finished setting, casting a subtle light on to everyone's face. As soon as Kyle and I were side by side, everyone's eyes fell to us. I blocked them out and followed Lina and Daniela into the party.

Soft orchestra music was playing, my heels clicked against the smooth porcelain floor, and the lights were dimmed. Torches hung against the walls and vines were wrapped around the columns supporting thebuilding. I had never been to a prom before, but this was what I imagined it to look like. Or like those fancy dinner parties the rich people in the movies have. I guess that's what this was. Small chatters and the clinking of champagne glasses filled my ears. It was like sitting in Olive Garden on a Sunday afternoon.

"I don't think the mayor will make his appearance for another few minutes so for now, eat, mingle, there are plenty of other people you can meet with who might be able to aid you," Daniela said.

A girl was waving in our direction and I saw Lina wave back, "Tía, me siga," she said in Spanish to Daniela.

"If you need anything, come find us," Lina smiled.

I watched as the two of them walked off and sighed. I didn't want to be with Kyle right now. Eventually we'd both have to get over ourselves if we wanted to complete the assignment we'd be given, but right now I could be stubborn.

"Let's make friends, see what we can find out before we meet the man in charge," I said, my eyes scanning through the crowd.

"Let's," he replied.

I looked up at him one last time, conflicted on my feelings, before penetrating into the crowd. I grabbed a bead on my necklace as I walked slowly, smiling at all the people who made eye contact with me. As I walked past the bar, someone reached out from behind it and grabbed my arm. Without thinking, I snatched my own away and before gripping the new arm tightly, ready to break it if I needed to.

"Wow, quick moves." It was Nick, the guy from the store.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. You can't scare me like that!" I released his arm and let out a deep breath. He looked so cute in his waiter outfit that I smiled at it.

"How many jobs do you have?" I leaned against the counter.

"Just the one, this is just for a little extra money." I nodded and watched as he showed me how to make a cocktail, mesmerized by his handiwork.

"I never knew there was an art to it," I laughed.

"There's an art to everything, Alex," he smiled.

That was true. I glanced away from him and down the bar for a second and immediately locked eyes with someone. Being in Italy sucked because every guy I had come in to contact with so far was beautiful. He looked like he was examining me and I looked back to Nick before it got too weird.

"So when is the mayor coming out?"

Nick looked at me before handing someone the cocktail overthe counter. "Um, five minutes maybe? Excited?" he asked.

"More like anxious," I corrected him.

A warm presence formed next to me and when I turned my head, the man who had been looking at me before was throwing some euros onto the counter.

"Two champagnes please," he said.


wow I haven't updated this in a while. I definitely had writer's block with this one but I'm getting ideas. YAY A NEW STRANGER. I love having Alex meet new people, it's so fun just because she hates it lol, just like she hates Kyle atm. sorry for the wait but I hope you enjoy this chapter and please do tell your friends. LOVE, HUGS, AND PUGS. HAVE A BEAUTIFUL, RAINY APRIL FRIENDS

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