Chapter 17

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"He's one of the... hostages," I awkwardly finished. 

I couldn't really tell whether he was a victim or just as guilty as everyone else. 

"What the hell is he doing out here then?" Kyle peered around his head and looked at me, but I just shrugged.

 "Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but I can talk," he said. 

"I don't believe anyone asked you to," Kyle shoved the gun against his head and he raised his hands defensively. 

"Nathan, where are the other four?" I asked slowly walking towards him. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," he shrugged.

 I rolled my eyes and so did Kyle. 

"Yes you do, just tell me and then Kyle won't have to shoot you," I replied. 

He stared at me for a little while and then grinned. Nathan took a step forward and I raised my gun up to his chest in less than a single second. 

"I'll talk to Alex, but just her," he eyed me more closely and my skin crawled.

 Kyle must have noticed my discomfort and thought back to my sarcastic remark that made him so mad. 

"No chance. Anything you say to her, you say to me," he snapped roughly. 

"Is this your boyfriend? He's very protective of you, must be nice," Nathan said. 

"Nathan, we're not doing this. Answer my question and this will end. It's so simple," I said. 

"You're right."

 He flipped around and punched Kyle in the face, "Hey!" I screamed. 

Kyle stumbled back and his gun fell out of his hand. Kyle tried to grab his leg but instead Nathan grabbed his gun and pointed it at Kyle. 

"I get it now, this is fun, I should be a spy," he laughed staring down at Kyle. 

I panicked and removed my gun from Nathan's aim. 

"Okay, fine, we'll talk. All I wanted was a short answer, but if we have to do it this way then fine. Don't touch him again," I said. 

Nathan remained in his position for a little while longer before he stepped away and towards me. 

"Come with me, love," he whispered walking past me. 

I looked down at Kyle and he just nodded signaling his approval. We walked over to the area where the orchestra had been playing and Nathan sat down in a chair, and rested his feet upon a shiny cello. I stood with my arms by my side, but kept my finger on the trigger.

"Alexandria, I never knew how badass you were. It adds to your appeal," he grinned up at me.

 Seducing me wouldn't work. 

"Where are they Nathan?" I asked. 

"Well as you heard, they were looking for the mayor but your friend got him out in time. So I'm assuming they're heading in whatever direction your friend stashed them away. Speaking of, are you two having some problems? I could sense a little tension," he said casually. 

How was Kyle able to get him so far removed so fast? He must've seen something before the whole thing started. 

"Okay first off, Kyle is not my boyfriend, he's my partner and our relationship is none of your business. Secondly and most importantly, what do they want with the mayor?" I asked. 

He stood up in front of me and looked down at the blood that had soaked my hand. 

"I don't know. As embarrassing at is, I kind of am a guard dog. I don't hear the details of the plan, I just do what the bastards tell me to. My suggestion, just get to the son of a bitch before they do," he said.

 I hadn't developed the skill being able to tell when he was being sincere, but it really felt like I needed to.

 "All right then, well... where's Anne Marie?" I asked stiffly. 

He froze and his stare became cold and focused on me. 

"I never told you her name," he snapped. 

"My job is to figure things out and stop them, you couldn't have expected me to not find out," I smiled evilly. 

"Don't worry about her," he said. 

Well it was obvious that he cared about her. His body language, the tone of his voice, even the look in his eyes had changed when I mentioned her name. 

"Why not?" I asked curiously. 

"Alexandria, I am telling you to leave her alone. The bastards don't care what happens to me. You could shoot me now and they wouldn't look at you, but if you try to... help her or whatever it is you claim to be doing, they'll slaughter you. And not in a nice way," he said in a low voice. 

I eyed him carefully before taking a few steps back. 

"You can't expect me to just forget about her. My hope is she's nicer than you. I'm going through all this trouble to get you away from these assholes and what do you do? You put my partner at gunpoint. We're on the same team! I'm helping you, and I'm helping her, you can't tell me otherwise. I don't care if you like playing this intermediate bad guy role, but it's gonna end soon," I explained to him. 

Then I reached out and quickly snatched Kyle's gun from his hand, and he let me. He just stared at me and I kept my eyes on him before turning away. I had a gun in each hand and pointed them out. I turned to the guy who had grabbed me and shot two bullets, one into each foot; then I did the same to the other guy. Kyle looked up at me and gave me a light smile. 

"How me of you," he said as I helped him up off of the floor. 

I just smiled in return and returned his gun to him. 

"Where did you take him?" I asked watching him walk over in Nathan's direction. 

Suddenly he took a deep breath and swung at his face, causing him to stumble back a little. 

"Ah! What the hell?" Nathan yelled gripping his jaw. 

"Shut up!"Kyle snapped. 

"Now, we're going to retrieve the mayor and you're going to be a good dog and cooperate, got it?" Kyle pulled him close and whispered in his ear.

 Nathan's eyes locked with mine but I just stared at him and nodded. 

"Yeah," he groaned. 

I took one last look one last look at the chaotic mess around us and followed Kyle out the front door of the building. What was most surprising was the silence. Everyone had run out so fast and there wasn't even one idiotic bystander trying to get a look at the action. The police hadn't even shown up. I guess they did need us here. 


okay this is hands down one of my favorite chapters i'm so proud of myself for developing Alex like this i love her when she does all this spy work and her chemistry with Nathan is just great round of applause to me amirite? jk this isn't about me it's about you guys, i'm sorry i haven't updated in so long i hope this is good enough to hold you over until I'm ready to update again (promise it won't take so long) thank you for it all readers, you guys are the bestest 

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