Chrisflo (bunny love)

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*Hope I did this right, no smut in this for all you people who enjoy those for some reason just some fluff and lots of POV switching. This takes place in their old modded series when they were living inside a hill or when Carlo started wearing that Attack on Titan skin(fun fact: It's also the series where sheepflo was first introduced)

It was a dark rainy day today with a storm just starting to form. All the peaceful mobs were hiding or seeking shelter from the almost infinite amount of raindrops while the hostile mobs took this day as the perfect opportunity to roam around except the enderman of course. All the people in the land were at home sleeping away hoping the rain was gone by tomorrow, all except one.Chris never really liked the rain, it would stop him from finishing tasks he needed to do like collecting supplies to upgrade his house so it was pretty logical to assume he would be sleeping too. Yet there he stood staring at the outside world through his window waiting. Waiting for what you ask? Well that's where I'll let Chris explain...

Chris's POV:

Rain, of all the days it could rain it happens today. I should be sleeping, but I can't leave I need to know when he or if he gets home. I had sent my best buddy/room mate Carlo off to chop some spruce trees to help finish the new pickaxe I was working on, but he's still not back yet. I hope he can get to shelter at least, he usually lets me do all the fighting so I don't know how he will defend himself. I just hope he makes it home alive or I don't know what I'll do. Wait, what was that? I hear scratching at the front door.

Chris pulled out his trusty iron sword and walk over to the door and there it was again, that scratching noise. Getting ready to attack, Chris held tightly onto his sword then quickly open the door to see nothing. Well nothing until he looked down, by the door not even a full block high was a bunny. It had brown fur with white patches and looked full grown, but it was shivering and it seemed to have barely any energy left in it.

Back to first person point of view:

I was going to kill it at first since those things multiple way to fast, but then I notice how it kept trying to get inside, but was too exhausted to even move. Filled with pity, I put away my sword, picked up the little guy, and brought it into the house. I placed it on a blanket near the fireplace to warm it up then went to continue watching out the window.

After a couple of minutes the bunny started to move before it noticed that Chris was gone. So fueled by curiosity, it hopped out of the blanket and soon found Chris by the window. It rubbed it's head against his leg before he finally noticed it. "I see your feeling better", Chris remarked. The bunny looked over at the window then back at him as if saying what are you looking at. Chris noticed this and answered, "I'm just waiting for my buddy to come back, he should be home soon." The rabbit gave a nod to itself before continuing to look at him. "What do you need something?" The rabbit nodded and hopped over to the chests. "Are you hungry?", Chris asked. The rabbit nodded before starting to scratch at the chest. Chris opened the chest and pulled out a carrot before placing it on the floor. The rabbit eagerly munched on it until the whole thing was gone. "You remind me of Carlo, you both like carrots and eat like mad, wonder where he could be?"

Carlo's POV:

Oh no, how can I get back home with all this rain? I hope I can find my way back before Chris comes looking for me though I wouldn't mind, STOP can't think about that right now I need to get home. Oh good! There's some shelter over there, I'll just wait out the rain over there.

What Carlo didn't know was that wasn't just a regular hut, it belong to the most odd and mysterious witch of the land. As soon as he entered he immediately regretted it. There sat a cloaked figure writing in an old notebook surrounded by potions, books, and a few bats. Carlo screamed for a second causing the witch to look up from her writing and gasp. "S-sorry..I was", Carlo stuttered. The witch showed no emotion since her face was covered, but just laughed an insane laugh before saying,"Not to worry your just in time." "Just in time for what?", Carlo asked. She just laughed again before replying, "Just in time for the story to take place." Before Carlo could even react she grabbed a potion near by and threw it right at him. He screamed and ran out of the hut while the potion began to take effect. "Lets hope it works", the witch mumbled to herself.

Back at the house Chris grew discouraged as the time went by until he decided he would have to look for Carlo in the morning. "Dang it Carlo where could you be?", Chris said to himself. "I miss you." The bunny hopped over to him with an expression that said what did you say? "I'm worried about him rabbit, he can't last that long out there can he?" The rabbit just blinked at him. "I wonder if he's thinking about me? Naw, why would he its not like he feels the same. The rabbit's ears perked at this and looked surprised. "Yeah you heard me rabbit I got a small crush on him, but if you say a thing about this to him you'll be dinner." The rabbit just stood there staring at him intently with it's dark blue eyes until Chris finally went to his room to sleep. He was about to fall asleep when he suddenly heard a scratching noise. He looked down to see the bunny scratching at the bedpost as if trying to get his attention. "What you want to sleep with me?" The rabbit gave him a nod before hopping up onto Chris's bed. "Well alright, since Carlo will never be my snuggle buddy I suppose you'll do." The rabbit snuggled right against him before closing it's eyes. "Night", Chris yawned and fell asleep.

If he had stayed awake longer though he would have seen the rabbit start to change form, growing larger before it was no longer a bunny, but a blonde haired man. "Night Chris", Carlo whispered pulling him even closer before falling asleep. Outside as the rain continued a figure stood under a tree watching the two men sleeping together through the window. The witch chuckled as she pull down her hood to listen better. "It worked, just as I expected", she said to herself. She pull out her notebook and opened it to a page filled with pairs of names and she put a checkmark next to the names Chris and Carlo. "One down more to go", the foxeared girl mumbled. She then put her hood back up and started back to her hut as Chris and Carlo slept the night away, there heads filled with sweet dreams.

*My god that wasn't a one-shot that was a novel! Good thing I stopped it there or I would have spent the whole week on it! Well leave in the comments if I should do more and Kudos!

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