Kktato: U and I

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*Here is the first one-shot for galaxygamergirl700  Hope you enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day you lovely human being! ^_^

Tyler stood at the corner of the place with a bored look on his face while sipping his drink. It was a Friday night and his friends had decided that they should go to a bar for some fun, but half an hour past by and they were all drunk. Well except Tyler, as much as he liked hanging out with his friends someone had to be the designated driver and after a game of rock, paper, scissors that someone was Tyler. They're lucky that I didn't call for a rematch, he thought to himself while watching his collies stumble and laugh. He stood there for a little while until he felt someone tap his shoulder and he turned to see a familiar pink haired man. 

"Hey Tyler! Long time no see, how have you've been?", asked Kyle. 

"Good, thanks for asking", Tyler replied with a half smile. 

"Wait what are you doing here all by yourself? You finally become emo?", Kyle joked. 

"Nah just making sure these guys don't set the place on fire", he explained while pointing to the group. This included Sky trying to drag someone to the karaoke machine, Seto slapping Brice before drunkenly kissing him, and Sub having a epic dance off with Ethan in the middle of the dance floor. Kyle laughed at the sight before turning back to Tyler. 

"Since they're busy you want to head out of here for a while?", he suggested. At first Tyler was going to decline, but he found that he really didn't want to keep doing nothing and besides the guys wouldn't go anywhere. 

"Fine, where we running away to buddy?", Tyler questioned before setting down his drink. 

"Somewhere just you and I, come on!", Kyle exclaimed grabbing Tyler's hand and dragging him outside to his car. They drove until they reached their destination and got out of the car before Tyler gave a Kyle confused look, not recognizing where he was. 

"Where the hell are we?", he asked but Kyle just motioned him to follow. They walked until Kyle suddenly covered his eyes so Tyler couldn't see a thing. 

"Shh it's a surprise, ready?", Kyle assured. Tyler, disliking being blind, gave a nod before feeling Kyle's hands drop and the first thing he sees is Kyle's eyes staring straight into his. His brain stop working for a moment till he noticed what was behind Kyle. 

"Its almost 12 at night and you brought me to a playground?", Tyler addressed. "Yep!", Kyle confirmed before running towards it and climbed up the stairs before turning back. 

"Hey no ones here so we can do what we want! We'll be the rulers just you and I!" he declared. Tyler looked at him before making up his mind and running over to joining him with a smile. After that time seem to fly by as they jumped off swings, rode down the slide like a penguin, and nearly broke the see-saw by trying to use it as a catapult.  It was like a silly dream, but like dreams it had to end at some point and this became apparent when the two noticed that the night sky was getting lighter. They sat at the top of the playground's tower trying to catch their breath from all the fun while watching the stars disappear. 

"Well that was nice" Tyler remarked after finally calming down. Kyle nodded but had a troubled look on his face before responding, "Yeah but isn't it sad?" 

"What do you mean?", Tyler asked confused by his friend's sudden change of attitude. 

"I mean, after this we have to back and then who knows when we'll ever be able to hang out with one another" he started. "I can't even remember the last time we got to spend time together, sometimes I just want to run from it all, you know?" 

Tyler listened intently before making Kyle face him, "Hey, just because we have to go back doesn't mean that we can't enjoy this. We'll always stick together just you and I, kay?" Kyle still was uncertain and began to speculate again which annoyed Tyler who after about 5 minutes decided to shut him up. So he grabbed him by his shirt collar and kissed him instantly making all the depressing thoughts leave Kyle's head and being replaced with mixed emotions. Too quickly in Kyle's opinion, Tyler pulled away with a satisfied look on his face. 

"Now can you stop killing the mood and let me watch the sunrise", Tyler commanded. For a while Kyle said nothing just trying to process what happen, but eventually he let out a huge grin and rested his head on Tyler's shoulder. Then they just stayed like that not talking at all, just watching the sun peak out from the horizon as they listened to each other's breathing.

 This continued for quite sometime before Kyle leaned in close to Tyler's ear whispered, "You do know we still have to get the guys from the bar right?" Tyler groaned at the loss of quiet and began to rise. 

"Fine, but we better runaway to somewhere else next time", Tyler grumbled. 

"Sure thing babe, just you and I",Kyle vowed. So they got up from their happy spot and proceeded to the car to make sure that their friends didn't destroy the bar(they didn't but they had killer hangovers and blamed Tyler for it who didn't give a rat's behind because he since he had Kyle with him he just poured the blame on him) End

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