Crundee: Dirty Little Secrets

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*One-shot number two was made for _Ander_Lunar_ Hopefully I did this to your liking since I don't know much about this particular ship and that you had a lovely Valentine's day!

"Hey Ian!", called someone. The shades wearing student paused his conversation with his friend and looked over at the girl who had called him. 

"Hey Gertrude, what do you need?", Ian asked. Gertrude twirled a strand of her hair while looking at him shyly. 

"I was wondering if we could go on a study date tomorrow after school, if you want..." she offered. Ian stiffen for a second before relaxing again. 

"Uh Sorry Gertrude, but I'm kinda busy tomorrow...maybe next time?" he reasoned. Gertrude looked disappointed but regained her positive composure. 

"Okay! I understand, see you later!", she chirped before running off with a blushing face. 

"Dude it's obvious, she likes you! Why don't you ask her out?", his friend questioned. 

"Hm? Oh Gertrude? no we're just friends, besides I'm kinda busy at the moment", Ian explained. 

"What do you mean? Are you dating someone already? Who is she?", his friend quizzed. 

"Not exactly....", Ian mentioned. Before his friend could question him further, Crainer butted into the conversation. 

"Hey Ian! Let's get going, lunch is almost over!", Crainer remarked while dragging Ian out of the awkward conversation.

 "Thanks Crainer, that was close" Ian sighed with relief. 

"Don't mention it, I saw the whole thing. You're lucky I didn't stop Gertrude from making a move on you" Crainer admitted. 

"Please don't, I don't want to make a scene" Ian groaned. 

"As long as you're mine I'll be you're protector!", Crainer smiled before linking his hand into Ian's. Ian kept their hands like that for a bit before pulling away to Crainer's disappointment.

 "Not now, later okay?", Ian assured. Crainer sighed but nodded as they continued walking through the hallway. 

It was around ten o'clock at night when Ian was walking on the street. This was because at night there was a greater chance that no one would see him while he made his way over to a house. When he reached the front door he gave a quick knock and moments later the door opened with Crainer waiting inside. 

"You know you can just come over when school's out right?", Crainer reminded while Ian walked over to the couch. 

"Yeah, but then everyone would see me", Ian speculated while sitting down. Crainer rolled his eyes before joining Ian over on the sofa and grabbing his hand. Ian didn't stop him and just sat there with a slight smile while Crainer snuggled into his arm. 

"Why can't you just tell them already", Crainer asked interrupting the quiet moment. 

"What do you mean?" Ian asked turning to face him. Crainer gave him a "are you kidding me" look before replying,

 "I mean why can't you just tell them about us already? I'm getting sick of pretending we're just friends." 

"You know I can't Crainer, I don't think it's the right time to.." Ian sighed looking away. Crainer grabbed Ian by the shoulders making him face him before firing away,

 "Well then when will it be? Tomorrow? Next week? Years? I'm not immortal Ian so when?!" Ian just remained silent as Crainer began to yell in frustration. 

"I'm not embarrassing so why are you treating me like a secret? Is that all I am to you?! Someone you can't talk about because they'll hate you?!" he spat. Ian tried to think of something to say but had nothing and could only watched as Crainer's anger turn to sadness. 

"I'm just a dirty secret huh? You probably regret being my boyfriend, maybe you don't even love me...", Crainer sputtered while tears started to form in his eyes. At that, Ian pulled the boy close to him and hugged him calming him. 

"Don't you ever think that Crainer, I love you so much and I always will" Ian assured.

 "Really? You aren't embarrassed? by me?", Crainer sniffed. 

"Far from it, I'm proud to be dating you and that will never change" Ian admitted. "Besides" he continued after giving Crainer's forehead a kiss. 

"Who has to know? Pretty sure they have it figured out by now." Crainer looked at him with a confused look. 

"If they know already, why are you still sneaking over to my house at night?", he pointed out.

 "Hm? Oh just wanted an excuse to see you" Ian admitted with a cheeky smile. 

"You're lucky I love you, you troll" Crainer smirked before pouncing on top of Ian and kissing him. Ian was surprised at the sudden move, but did not complain and melted right into it until Crainer pulled away suddenly. 

"Welp I'm going to bed, goodnight!", Crainer chirped getting up from the couch and walking towards his room.

 "Crainer you dirty troll, get back here!" Ian yelled in annoyance from the loss of warmth. 

"Revenge!", Crainer laughed running up the stairs while Ian followed close behind. He eventually caught up to him and they ended up having a massive pillow fight until the neighbors yelled at them to shut up cause it was close to 12 at night. So they gather up all the pillows from their war and made a fort where they fell asleep holding onto each other surrounded by the warmth of blankets and love.

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