Chrislainx: After the Dating Game

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*ACK! FORGIVE ME FRIENDS! I SHOULD HAVE POSTED THIS YESTERDAY WITH THE REST OF THE ONE SHOTS BUT I DIDN'T GET A CHANCE! Well I on the bright side they should be selling half-priced chocolate by now so that's something. But seriously my apologizes to everyone who was expecting something yesterday, now onto the one-shot. You kinda confused me with your sudden change in request firefangOC but not to worry. I didn't even know this ship existed but you learn something new everyday so have a happy Singles' Awareness day(yes that's a thing) and enjoy the one-shot!

After a series of questions Chris had finally made his decision, he picked contestant number 2 otherwise known as Garlian the Weaboo.

"Let's get out of here!", Chris exclaimed rushing over to the exit. 

"Yeah!", Garlian squealed before breaking the glass and jumping out of the window.

"Man f*ck this game, I'm going home!", Ashley huffed before walking out.

After Chris made sure that Garlian didn't die from jumping out of the window they headed over to the nearest manga store to fanboy over some of the newest additions. What they had forgotten though was that Carlo was unhappy that he was not chosen and did not taking kindly to losing. As the two left the store and made their way over to the park, Carlo was already one step ahead. 

"I still can't believe that we managed to get the last copies of Randamu Retsu!", Garlian gushed while they walked over to a bench to rest.

"Yeah, you would think it would be sold out by now", Chris agreed as they sat down with their bags. 

"Hey! Want me to get us some ice cream?", Garlian offered. Chris nodded and Garlian made his way over to a nearby ice cream cart. After the vendor handed him the two cups he walked back to Chris not noticing Carlo watching from the bushes.

"Haha! Little does he know that I poisoned his ice cream, that'll show him for stealing my win!", Carlo giggled to himself while opening his own ice cream. "And when he drops dead, I'll have Chris all to myself! Then I can unwrap him and check his body with no one to stop me...", Carlo murmured to himself while slowly unwrapping his ice cream at the thought. However Carlo did not account for the fact that Garlian was clumsy which caused him to trip and drop one of the ice cream cups on the floor. 

"Ack! I'm sorry Chris! I'm such a klutz, here you can have this one", Garlian apologized while handing the other ice cream to Chris.  Chris chuckled before pulling Garlian up and onto the bench. 

"It's alright, here we can share!", offered Chris holding out the cup between the two of them. 

"O-okay, thanks!", Garlian smiled as they got out their spoons and began to eat. Meanwhile Carlo was internally raging in the bushes having seen his plan fail. While he thought of a new scheme he grimaced at the sickly cute way the two were acting with each other. 

"Hey Garlian", Chris called. When Garlian looked up from the ice cream at him he felt something splat on his nose. Garlian found that it was ice cream and decided to return the offer while Chris was laughing. They ended up having an ice cream fight until they were out of the dessert and had laughed their butts off. Luckily they had napkins on them and began to clean themselves before they got sticky.

"Hold on you missed a spot", Garlian pointed out. Before Chris could ask where Garlian leaned over and quickly kissed his cheek. Chris didn't mind and found it very cute how Garlian was when he was blushing. At that point Carlo was resisting the urge to run over there and tackle Garlian, but finally he got an idea and ran towards his destination to begin the plan. 

"H-hey you want to come over to my apartment to watch some anime?", Garlian asked trying not to stutter.

"Of course!", Chris accepted. So they both gather their things and walked to Garlian's house until finally there were inside. When Garlian checked his kitchen for some food he realized he was fresh out strangely even if he had restocked a few days ago.

"Well I'm going to get us some snacks, be back in a bit", Garlian announced before walking out the door leaving Chris by himself in the living room. He started to watch some T.V. while waiting when he heard a sound coming from Garlian's room.

"Garlian? Is that you?", Chris asked surprised he was back already. No response, just silence. Chris cautiously got up from the couch and walked over to the bedroom to see the door left ajar. When he walked in however he one? Then the door suddenly slam shut causing Chris to quickly turn to see Carlo locking the door. 

"Carlo? What are you doing here?", Chris asked confused.

"Me? Don't worry, I'm just here to examine you", Carlo smirked while taking a few steps closer to Chris. Chris had read enough fanfics to know where this was going so he immediately started yelling for help while trying to find something to defend himself with. Carlo did not like this and quickly pushed Chris onto the bed and covered his mouth. 

"Can't have anyone hearing you dear", Carlo whispered while Chris struggled underneath his grip. As Chris thrashed around, Carlo began to unbutton his shirt slowly until it was off examining every feature of Chris's chest. However before he could go any further the sound of someone slamming on the door made him stop before the door was kicked off it's hinges. Standing there was a worried Garlian and in front of him, a pissed off Ashley. 

"Carlo you jerk! Give Garlian back his food, he's the one who provides me my snacks!", Ashley demanded. Carlo knew that an angry Ashley was not to be messed with and quickly got up and ran out of the room, Ashley following close behind.

"Chris! Are you okay?! I tried to get Ashley as fast as I could and I'm sorry that I left you alo-", Garlian rambled before Chris cut him off. 

"I'm fine now, especially since you're here Garlian", Chris reassured him. 

"Oh, you're you wan to watch some anime now?", Garlian asked blushing, not used to this type of attention. Chris nodded and they both went to watch some good old anime while Ashley chased Carlo around the apartment complex, all thanks to the dating game.

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