MiniCat: My So-called Bully

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*The third one-shot goes out to MissDarkRaven You gave me quite the request dear but I think I managed it, had a lovely Valentine's day!(Also Tyler is kinda a teenager in this so he's more angry than he normally would be)

Craig was on his way to class focusing on his book when he suddenly ran into someone, falling onto the floor.

"H-hey watch where you're going dumbass!", shouted a voice. Craig looked up unsurprised to see a boy wearing a wildcat shirt and scowl on his face, Tyler. Ever since he had transferred to this school, Tyler had been picking on him everyday. Craig didn't mind though, he was used to bullies and Tyler's insults were nothing compared to the beatings he used to get.

"Sorry, didn't see you there", Craig mumbled.

"Well you better get your eyes fixed four eyes before you end up walking off the roof!", Tyler huffed walking away. Craig just rolled his eyes while picking up his book from the floor and continuing on his way to class. What he didn't see was Tyler peering from the hallway corner making sure that Craig was all right from the fall. When Craig was out of sight Tyler gave a sigh of relief before walking to class.

Later in the day it was lunch time and Tyler was sitting with his friends in the cafeteria. They chatted while Tyler just sat there without talking, lost in thought as usual.

"Hey Tyler you alright man?", Evan asked but Tyler didn't seem to have heard him so Evan scooched over and shouted in his ear,

"Wake up!" Tyler snapped out of his trance and nearly fell off his seat while the rest of the squad laughed their buts off. Tyler turned towards Evan not looking very happy about having his eardrum almost break. 

"I swear if you try that again Evan, I'm gonna knock the living daylights out of you", he grumbled. 

"Woah there grumpy pants", Jonathan warned while putting an arm around Evan. "We may be friends but if you hurt this boy I won't hesitate to go full yandere on your ass!" 

"I was only joking, god over protective much?", Tyler mused with his hands up for defense. 

"Alright enough joking, you gotta explain yourself Tyler", Nolga pointed out. 

"About what?", Tyler asked.

"Why do you keep staring at that guy over there? You've been doing it everyday!", Nolga explained.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about", Tyler stuttered trying to dismiss the question. 

"Dude you like him don't you?", joked Marcel while leaning against Scotty for support. 

"What? No! I hate him, why would I like him?", exclaimed Tyler while his face went pink.

"Aw, he's blushing! You know what that means~", Scotty chuckled. Tyler's face turned red while everyone laughed. He tried to object but he couldn't deny the truth so he just covered his face embarrassed until they stopped laughing. 

"Hey come on, it's nothing to be ashamed about. We won't judge, right Brock?", Brian assured with his hand linked with his partner. 

"Yeah! Pretty sure everyone here has got someone so no reason for any of us to object", Brock reasoned while everyone else nodded. 

"F-for the last time I don't like him!", Tyler insisted. 

"Oh you're lying, hey! How about you talk to him?", Lui suggested. Before Tyler could disagree Lui was already yelling to Craig from across the cafeteria.

"Hey you! Guy with the ginger hair and glasses! Come over here for a second!", Lui yelled. Tyler tried to grab him and cover his mouth but Nolga would not let him lay a hand on his little squeaker. Craig walked over from his table all the way over to the squad unsure as to why they wanted him. As soon as he sat down everyone got up from their sits and left.

"Will give you two some privacy!", Evan announced before leaving with the rest of the gang. Craig was confused, what did he mean you two? He was the only here right? Well that's what he thought until he turned and noticed that sitting right across from him was none other than Tyler. 

"So you wanted to talk to me?" Craig checked breaking the awkward silence. 

"N-no! My so called friends made me do this, like I ever talk to a nerd like you!", Tyler claimed.

"Jeez, sorry! All I did was ask, no need to get so angry about it..", Craig reasoned.

"Well of course I'm angry! I'm stuck with you out of all the people in the school! I'd rather be talking with the mold in the showers than you!", Tyler snapped. 

"Okay! Enough of the insults, can I just ask you something without you exploding?" Craig asked. 

"Fine, what?", Tyler huffed, arms crossed against his chest. Craig took a breath knowing that he probably was going to get insulted even more for this.

"Why do you hate me? I never did anything to you so why do you pick on me?" he questioned. Tyler's face displayed a number of emotions before he began to speak.

"Why? You want to know why? Ever since you arrived you've changed everything!", Tyler started.

"No matter where I go I run into you, your always so different that it's annoying, and you even managed to jack up my mind!", he roared while leaning over the table closer to Craig.

"I can't think with you around and when you're gone you're stuck in my mind no matter what I do! Even if I yell and tease you never get mad at me like a normal person!", Tyler ranted while Craig tried to slide away.

"But the worst thing is that even with you're annoying hair, dorky glasses, and fucking big eyes" Tyler hissed grabbing Craig by his shirt collar.

"I-I still love you!", Tyler admitted before slamming his lips onto Craig's. Now Craig was very shocked and could not understand what was happening until the bell rang and Tyler pulled away. 

"I got to get to class, see ya" Tyler said before getting up and walking away quickly as if nothing happened. Craig just stared at him before he regained his senses and ran towards him.

"Wait Tyler!", Craig yelled. Tyler turned back only to feel someone pulling him into a kiss. Tyler immediately pushed Craig off, his face completely red.

"B-baka! I hate you", Tyler insisted before running of in embarrassment.

"Love you too Tyler!", Craig giggled watching his so called bully run away from the truth.

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