Quick Rant

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Hey how you doing? Good? Ok, I know your wondering why this is not a chapter and I know that you might skip this but hear me out. Out of all my books this is the one where I can put this specific rant so here we go...


So by reading the book title you can tell I am a fangirl(swear to glob if my friends find this book I will die)Now there is nothing wrong with that but when you ship stuff that no one knows about it gets lonely. Like don't get me wrong I like all the popular ships too, some better than others(setosolace) But while you have people shipping skylox and merome, I'm sitting here with the few other people who know who chrisandthemike even is. Like if you were looking for me on devianart just search up Chrisflo then go to the bottom. The one that says cupaflo, yeah that's mine. I am literally the only person who made fan art of that in my opinion adorable ship. So what I guess I'm trying to say is that when you spot a lonely shipper and you like that ship, show them some support cause it'll really make their day. Also if you want to know more about cupaflo just watch Carflo's my friend is a creeper series. Alright rant over kudos from the lonely shipper a.k.a. Me!

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