An Open Note to Deadlox

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*Warning the following video may offend, upset, and/or sadden you.

Dear Deadlox,

Sorry if I have not watched your videos for a while I have been busy with finals so I haven't been on YouTube much. However it has come to my attention that you have posted a somewhat controversial video yesterday involving the fanfiction writing community and your fans. You are not new to fanfiction and have even read Skylox fics in videos so you know that they can be a bit dirty which is why I was surprised by your attitude in this video. Many people who write fanfiction will pour all their creativity into it and courage to post it. I know you are uncomfortable with this sort of thing but then the simple answer would be not to read it just ignore it. You just made so many of writers, many who looked up to you, feel terrible because you called them all "shitty" and discouraged them from ever writing stories. You even made a generalization of the minecraft community(like we haven't already had enough hate) while enforcing gender stereotypes about "little girls" that should be writing about "cute little f*cking ponies."Please note that most fanfic writers are at least 13 and not all are females obsessed with writing lemons. I don't know what has gotten into you Ty but just know you have lost many of your fans and my respect towards you. Since you are uncomfortable with it and I do not want to upset you any further I will no longer post any chapters about you in this story or any of my others. Hopefully you will learn from your mistakes and apologize but until then I will no longer be apart of your fanbase. 

Goodbye for now,


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