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Criminal!Hinata X Criminal!reader AU
Btw I have no idea how long oneshots are supposed to be so tell me how I did on this one please😭

Requested by: @introvertedemi
I actually really loved this idea🥺💖

Requested by: @introvertedemi I actually really loved this idea🥺💖

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With her rear side pressed against the cold, unforgiving rigidness of a concrete wall, and closed eyes that couldn't seem to pick up any source of light, it didn't take (Y/N) more than a couple minutes of being conscious to discern where her physical body had been taken to. Her nose had been wafted with the horrid smell of iron and rotting walls, and her ears were induced in a doubtful ringing noise she attempted to rid of in her day-to-day life with her boyfriend.

The sudden memory of her boyfriend had her body shooting upwards, attempting to free her sore wrists from the harsh rope they were tied to. Judging by the sensation prickling on her butt and her legs, she was seated upright in a regular wooden stool with her backside against the wall, while her hands had been tied down to the legs of the stool so she couldn't escape. The uncomfortable position made her body ache the longer she had to wait for her boyfriend to, unfortunately, save the day...for the first time.

(Y/N) happened to be the brains when it came to their line of business, whilst her own boyfriend took the title of 'most crazy criminal' in the city. He wasn't the type to calculate every risk that came with being a criminal, but (Y/N) sure was, and it'd usually have to be her that'd come to her boyfriend's rescue. Hinata simply enjoyed the thrill of living that fast life until his inevitable end were to approach, and (Y/N) despised the way he so willingly threw his well-being away just for the rush of adrenaline, so much to the point she'd have to seduce the man to prevent him from doing something reckless; post-nut clarity, she calls it.

However, despite all that, it seemed (Y/N) had been the one caught up in trouble instead of Hinata. Judging by the ache in her body, she could tell she's been there for a couple of hours, and judging by the scents and sensations she detected, this was a kidnapping. In response to her conclusion, she released a hefty sigh and started talking to the air.

"Oh, how the tables have turned. My baby better kill every one of those fuckers..." (Y/N) uttered after she realized nobody else was in the room with her.

Following those words exiting her mouth and being thrown into the unknown world, (Y/N)'s heart jumped at the sudden rounds of bullets entering her ear canal. Screams of agony and the squelching of what seemed to be guts rearranging relaxed the tension in (Y/N)'s shoulders, relieved that the perpetrators were being slaughtered ruthlessly just outside her room. Howls of warnings that 'Crow' arrived ricocheted across the seemingly unkempt warehouse, letting (Y/N) know just who exactly came and decided to wreak havoc on the poor criminals. She could almost laugh at the sound of bodies dropping to the floor and screams being cut off when they were shot dead, for they brought Crow's ruthlessness upon themselves instead of minding their damned business.

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