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High school!Bokuto x Rejected!reader
TW: angst lolzzz somebody needs to beat my ass for all the depressing shit I've been writing (preferably a TALL black WOMAN who can step on me ahahahaha😃💦)
I didn't bother to proofread so🤪

High school!Bokuto x Rejected!readerWORD COUNT: 1K TW: angst lolzzz somebody needs to beat my ass for all the depressing shit I've been writing (preferably a TALL black WOMAN who can step on me ahahahaha😃💦)I didn't bother to proofread so🤪

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"Oh, really? I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan, but I don't feel the same."

Due to the adrenaline rushing through the girl's veins, a bright smile still embellished her (S/C) cheeks. Even though she could practically hear her fragile and quivering heart shatter into a thousand pieces like a glass cup thrown by a distraught lover, that smile Bokuto cherished as a friend never left her face. It wasn't everyday she'd muster up the courage to spill her feelings from the ever-growing cup that was her heart, but she somehow managed to get it inside her head that he shared the feelings too. Sometimes, she found the cup that was her heart overflowing to the point she'd slip up, bringing gifts or accidentally spewing suspicious sentences that gave her position away, but Bokuto never saw any of that. The boy continued to look at her as a good friend, not a possible love interest.

"That's no problem, Bokuto-san! I'm about to be late for the bus, so I'll see you around!" (Y/N) quickly and slyly made her exit, unable to drop the smile on her face until she collided with the softness of her mattress.

(Y/N) wasn't the type to cry so easily over a boy, but she couldn't help the glossiness in her eyes and the burn in her throat. It was her final year of high school, and she hoped that if Bokuto shared her feelings, then they could live very happily together some time in the future. However, now that those day dream fantasies she'd conjure up in the middle of math class had been crushed into dust, she knew she had to take the steps to make sure she didn't allow this to effect her future. It was her final year of high school, so she had much bigger concerns than a boy who she could live without.

Could she live without him, though?

He was there to help her through so many blockages and episodes of misery as if they were a couple. She couldn't walk two steps without being accused of dating Bokuto, but she shyly declined with a hint of sadness in her declarations. Bokuto, on the other hand, would laugh off the accusations and talk about how his love was loyal to volleyball and volleyball only.

Why did she ever think she could take up just as big of a spot as volleyball in Bokuto's heart?

Was it the late night calls that turned into them sleeping over the phone together?

Was it the weekends spent lazing around in the library because they both sucked at math and couldn't study if they were in each other's presence?

Was it the way he'd smile so brightly when he saw her in the audience of one of his games?

Or, was it the made-up image of Bokuto that (Y/N) held inside of her head that returned her feelings?

The brain was a dangerous tool—it could skew and alter one's reality into something completely different from the original. It could convince its body down to the bone that something was true when it really wasn't. The brain could take whatever the optics observed and skew it into a completely different manner than what it was supposed to be. (Y/N), who had been a nerd for psychology, could very well determine the cause of her delusions and even where those tendencies stemmed from in her childhood.

Being hyperaware, however, didn't help to soothe the pain in her heart.

So, when she saw Bokuto slinging his muscular arm around the physique of a much prettier girl, for the first time in a long time, the smile on her face glitched into a dreary expression.

She found comfort in anything that could give her comfort, including boys who couldn't acquire the same happiness out of her that Bokuto could. (Y/N) knew she was being ridiculous by being so hung up over a simple boy, but she couldn't control her feelings nor her heart's desires. She spent her days drowning herself in self-study sessions she opted for instead of visiting the library with Bokuto like she used to. Of course the captain was sad to know she didn't hang out with him nearly as much as she used to, but it gave him the chance to spend more time with his girlfriend, so he took it with a grain of salt.

(Y/N) never studied in the first place because she'd lose her attention at just about anything that crossed her path—and for the reason she was simply too lazy. However, she forced herself to drain every bit of energy with useless activities that she'd practically mourn over a month ago if she was forced to do them. She even found herself playing a sport of all things, and it didn't matter if she benched the entire time, because it gave her another reason to ignore Bokuto's goodnight texts or his offers to hang out.

She never had to try this hard to get a boy off of her mind, and it was pathetic, to say the least. It was so pitiful almost anybody could see the way she overworked herself to the point she couldn't form coherent sentences when spoken to. And even when the boy she tried to separate from herself worried himself over her, she preferred it this way.

She preferred it this way because she knew hard work would pay off.

And when she crossed that graduation stage to leave every bit of her high school life behind, embellishing an energetic smile with zero regrets, she didn't even realize she managed get over Bokuto's rejection. In whatever way, standing in the distance was Bokuto himself, who watched the retreating shadow of (Y/N) (L/N), and felt his own heart clench at her departure from his life.

He didn't realize just how much he cherished those smiles she used to shamelessly bestow upon his undeserving soul.

A/N: Yes I wrote this instead of SANGUINE PARADISE because I'm making myself depressed writing that book LMFAOAOAOAO SORRY FOR ALL THE FEELINGS IM FINNA HURT

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