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Rich!Athletic Trainer!Iwazumi x Gold Digger!reader
TW: bittersweet ending :), manipulation, gaslighting.


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"She take my money...when I'm in need."

"Yeah, she's a triflin'...friend indeed."

"Oh, she's a gold digger...way over town."

"That digs on me..."

A young woman was seen prancing around the elegant marbled floors of a high-class mall, clutching too many bags to count that proudly displayed multiple high-end designer labels. If one wasn't focused on her enticing appearance, you'd catch a tall, athletic man standing right beside her, holding just as many designer bags that clearly didn't belong to him. If you looked closer, you could just barely see a soft smile develop on his face that he despised to show, for it'd prompt the prancing woman to leech more money out of him that she, in no way, needed.

Despite that, he loved the iridescent look that dripped down to her teeth, showcasing her pearls that Iwaizumi came to know very well due to being together for an extended period of time. He'd spend as much money as needed on her if it permitted him to watch her crawl out of her facade she puts on around men and feel truly at peace with the world. He'd spend as much money as needed in order to keep her around to brighten his dull, colorless day to day bustles.

He remembered the first day the pair met, accidentally ushering his vision for a ride back in time to only a couple of weeks ago.

Iwaizumi had been forced to cruise up to the local beauty store right up the street, reason being his friend Oikawa had forgotten to buy himself a jar of hair gel before his date with, what he called, a beautiful and rich woman. For some reason, he was keen on finding a woman in the same tax bracket as him, but Iwaizumi couldn't knock his hustle, so he pulled up to the beauty store with absolute pure intentions to get the hair gel and to go the hell to sleep.

He stepped inside of the store and was met with the instant smell of natural hair products, inducing him in a mini trance for a few seconds until a woman kindly asked him to move out of the entrance. A quick and rushed apology left his mouth due to being in a setting that he wasn't used to, cursing himself for allowing someone to have so much power over him. Regardless, he shook off the initial nervousness and strolled to the section Oikawa told him the hair gel resided, looking for the specific brand and container type so Oikawa wouldn't whine that he 'didn't get the right kind'. Iwaizumi didn't even know why he refused to say no, but he was already in the store, so when he spotted the exact gel he needed, a sigh of relief left his body.

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