The Dance of Remembrance

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Hello sweet readers! Here's a new chapter!


'Give up Mallika! You know you aren't better than me." Sara said flipping her hair back. "Sumedh would love to be my partner."

Mallika stood up. She knew that Sara won't stop muttering insults until she proves herself. She did and boy, watching Sara's face when she did was hilarious.


"Mallika!" Sumedh called, catching up to her. "What happened?" he asked looking at her grumpy face.

"Nothing" she said but Sumedh knew better.

"Was it Sara again?" he asked in concern but she didn't say anything.

"You giving me the silent treatment?" he joked but Mallika didn't smile and Sumedh got the feeling that whatever was bothering her was serious.

"Mallika, whats wrong?" he asked again lifting her chin. She slapped his hand and ran with tears streaming down her face.


A few days later Mallika didn't say anything. Her face didn't light up the way it did when she saw at Sumedh anymore, she didn't ruffle his hair and laughed when he was grumpy, they didn't dance the way they did--Mallika's smile ended when the song did. 

It terrified him. After a while he got a letter from Mallika, telling him never to contact her again and his heart official broke into pieces. He never got to say goodbye because her family moved to a different colony. There story was over, he had thought, until this...


The next day when shoot ended Mallika was getting ready to leave and Aarohi was clearing up. Mallika got up and said her bye's and got out of her van. She heard a voice calling her name.

"Mallikaaaaaaaaaaa" Sumedh's voice drawled. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath, Mallika better to get out of here quickly.

She quickened her paces and walked to her car but, unfortunately Sumedh was waiting near it.

"Mallika!" Sumedh said with a grin and she fought back a smile too. What is happening! Why am I...?

"What?" she asked and Sumedh pouted.

"Aww rude Mallika, rudeeee" he said. Mallika closed her eyes again to keep her patience from running out.

"Tell me your problem or get out of my way." said Mallika firmly.

 Sumedh sighed "You never told me what you were going to say earlier about why you....left..."

Mallika felt all the breath go out of her lungs, she opened her mouth and closed it again.

"I--I don't wanna talk about it---It's the past--" she said pausing every so often. Sumedh looked down and got an idea.

"Please tell me?" he said giving her a big pout.


"Please Mallika?"

He said my name so softly...



"No means no!" Doesn't he get anything in that head of is....maybe the curls are blocking his brain....



There banter grew for a few minutes until they were both out of breath.

"I-I'll gi-give up if you give me a tiny favour.." Sumedh offered. Mallika pondered it for a second before agreeing, It's pointless to argue with him.. 

"Be my friend?" he asked giving his hand. 

Mallika froze, what if history repeats itself? friends....backstabbing....heartbreak....she thought.

She just stared at his hand for a few seconds, Sumedh's face dropped and he started withdrawing it. Mallika quickly grabbed it and shook it, before changing her mind.

"Well, maybe you don't make terrible decisions after all." Sumedh said, smiling.

"I don't want you to bother me, that's the only reason" Mallika firmly said.

And maybe I don't want to see the sad look on your face....

"Of course, Radha" Sumedh teased. Mallika turned around to hide her smile and started walking but Sumedh pulled her hand and took her inside.


"What are you doing?!" she shouted. "Don't you manhandle me!"

"Relax...we're practicing." he said. "I thought we must do something that reminded us of our childhood."

"Oh..." was all Mallika could say, Sumedh turned on the music.

 Wordlessly he pulled her into it. Their bodies moved perfectly to the beats. Mallika closed her eyes for a few seconds and remembered how was there first dance together....

Mallika Singh paired with Sumedh Mudgalkar.

The fifteen year old Mallika frowned. I don't even know him...

"Hey!" A voice said from behind her, she turned around to see a cute curly haired boy about her own age looking at he with a smile on her face. "I'm Sumedh, you must be Mallika, my partner?"

"Yes, have you prepared the chorography?" she asked, raising a eyebrow and Sumedh laughed.

"Straight to the point, I see, yes ma'am!" he said, saluting. Mallika couldn't help but smile at his antics.

"You have your costumes prepared?" she asked and started walking towards the corridor with Sumedh beside her.

He snorted, "I just have to spray paint myself blue." Mallika frowned.

"No, just because you're Krishna doesn't mean you have to be blue." she said.

"Very wise, Radha very wise." he teased and they both laughed.

Sumedh looked at her in the eyes and she stared right back. They were doing the same dance they did the first time they met. She smiled very slightly.

Maybe this isn't a mistake after all


How was it?? 

If you didn't understand, Sara was her school bully, with a huge crush on Sumedh and she ruined their relationship 8 years ago with lies. How? we'll get that later.

And, Sumedh and Mallika first met when they were 15 so their present age is 23.

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