Devil Alert

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1 week later-

Mallika slumped on her bed, tired. Her parents were horrified at the mess she and Sumedh made, they did clean it up but Mallika's allowance was half gone trying to replace everything. Her parents left to visit her aunt and her month with Sumedh started. 

A week had gone by and a routine was made, 

--Wake up for the shoot and then wake up Sumedh.

--Make breakfast (They avoided making pancakes)

--Come home and clean up.

--Talk and chatter for a while.

--Make dinner and go to bed.

She would be lying if she said it was horrible. Mallika was actually having fun with Sumedh. Their were nights when he would tease her badly and she would end up slamming her bedroom door angrily, but the next day she would forget everything as he would make her a delicious breakfast.

"Hey Miku!" Sumedh whispered from the other side of the door. "Miku are you awake?"

Mallika smiled slightly. So far, he had obeyed the ground rules. He didn't tell anything to anyone except Dau, whome he could not lie. Mallika herself had told Deepali who comes over some nights with Basant.

"I am, what do you want?" She groaned. She was exhausted by todays shoot. The director, wanted to shoot as many episodes as possible before their break.

The door opened and Sumedh peaked inside. "Come with me, I want to show you something"

Mallika thought of telling him to leave but her curiosity got the best. She climbed out of her bed, still in her pink shorts and baby blue top which she wore for bed.

"The terrace." Was all he said when she went outside.

"You woke me up, just to show me the terrace?" Mallika pronounced. Sumedh looked unfazed.

"Today is a meteor shower." [A/N I know meteor showers don't happen much in India but just go with it.] He reminded. "I did some arrangements"

They both went up to the terrace. Mallika smiled widely as she saw a mattress had been laid out with pillows and stuffed animals.

She jumped on the mattress like a little kid as Sumedh watched.

We used to do this as little kids, she remembers, All the time...

Sumedh laid down beside her, both facing the sky. They said nothing for a while, sitting in silence looking at the stars. Sumedh wanted to take Mallika's hand in his, but stopped thinking it would be too much. He remembers how they used to wrap each-other in fluffy blankets and sleep.

"Do you miss it?" he says suddenly and Mallika looked at him in confusion. "Our time as kids?"

"I do" she says without thinking, looking at the twinkling sky. "I really do"

"Do you think we can be like that again?" He asks. Mallika ponders it, she wanted to say yes so badly but knows that it would be a lie.

"No." She replies. "Maybe not."

She turns around looking at her empty side.

"Maybe more."


The next day at the shoot, Mallika was looking for Aarohi. Her make up artist was no where to be seen.

Odd, she thought, Aarohi is never late. She's even more punctual than me!

"Everybody, if you fill pay attention!" Director calls at the microphone. "I have to make an announcement."

People were looking at him in excitement but Mallika's chest tightened with anxiety. She had a feeling something bad was going to happen. She looks at Sumedh who has the same expression. She could read it in her eyes.

"Miss Aarohi, is on a currently ill and in her place we will need a temporary hair and makeup artist."

She could hear her brain shouting, DEVIL ALERT!, DEVIL ALERT! when she sees a patch of knee waist length brown hair and a makeup caked face. She looks at Sumedh again and sees his face was pale and shock written.

The girl's long nose and plump lips turned into a sneer as she turns around fully and the director confirms her worst fears.

"Everyone, welcome Miss Sara Mehta!"

What will happen to Sumedh and Mallika?? Finally we will get to learn what happened 8 years ago!

The plot of this story has officially started!!! The story is going to take an 180 degree turn as you read. Deepali and Basant will also become major characters along with Sumedh and Mallika. 

Stay tuned for new chapters!

Be Back Soon!

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