Sorting It Out

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You guys really are extremely excited for updates.

I am writing this chapter while I'm supposed to be doing Physics homework.😑. Don't mind if it's short.


Mallika's POV

Mallika saw Sumedh approaching her with a small smile on his face. Mallika still hadn't forgotten how he ignored her but decided to put it behind. They decided to go camping for a day, since Mallika's parents will be home in a week, might as well have as much fun as you can.

"Hello," He said and she greeted him back. Deepali was sitting on the slightly dank grass with Rahul and Basant beside her. The tents were made too and so was the barbeque. Basant gave Sumedh a small smile but Deepali remained passive. But she grinned at Mallika.

"Nice to meet you again, Sumedh" Rahul said. Sumedh just nodded at him forcefully.

"What do we do first?" He said asking.

Deepali's eyes brightened, "We could go to rafting!"

"Yes!!" Mallika squealed. The boys nodded in agreement. They packed up the site and began to climb down.

After a while, they reached the space. Paying the boat keeper and putting on heavy life jackets the girls started going on the raft.

"Wait," Mallika said. "Where are the boys?"

Suddenly Deepali fell to the ground laughing, and pointing towards the boys who were sumo wrestling with each other. Rahul appeared to be the referee.

Mallika slapped her forehead, "I swear I'm the only sensible person in this group." But after a while she too started laughing.


"This is it. This is my life now, I made up till here and now, I'll end it here!" 

"Shut up Sumedh, We have been hiking for only 20 minutes." Deepali snapped at him.

After rafting, they decided to go hiking and find a good place to replace the tent. The girls were excitedly talking about the new pair of track pants they bought meanwhile the guys were just listening and groaning.

"Why can't we just put it here?" Rahul suggested. "This is good place."

"It's not high enough, we need a good view!" Mallika reminded. "Honestly whoever said, 'men were stronger than woman' was totally drunk."

Sumedh caught up to Mallika and whispered, "When should I speak to them about you know.."

"At night," She replied. "Talk to all of them together. I'm sure they'll understand"

"I hope they will."


"I have something to tell you," Sumedh said loudly clearing his throat. "It's important."

Deepali looked at him still unsmiling meanwhile Dau was looking curious. Mallika and Rahul were too looking a bit worried.

"I have been a little bit..distant lately," he said and Deepali scoffed. Looking a bit disheartened he continued,

"I know I hurt you. Especially Mallika. But I..It took me sometime to comprehend what had happened and.."

"-what happened?" Dau interrupted. 

"One of my old friends from school died of a nerve disease." Sumedh whispered. Dau and Deepali were looking astonished, Rahul was looking sympathetic. He continued ,

"I wanted to tell you but I wanted time to myself first. And I also wanted time to think about mine and Mallika's kiss. I realized she needed someone, someone better than me who would be by her side and help her in any way. I lost Mallika in the first time because of the secret I kept from her and I knew it was gonna have happen again so I had to distance myself from her and from you--" he paused looking at everyone,

"Because you are my true friends. You see all my lies and my problems, you try to help but sometimes you can't because I won't let you. You have every right to be angry. Heck, I am angry at myself for being this stupid. This retarded to realize I have the best people in the world. You all. I don't think I could've been like this without Deepali's overprotectiveness and speeches--" he said looking at her,

"And Dau's brotherly nature who was always by my side even when I stole his sweets--" he said looking at Basant. "And when I had you, Mallika" said Sumedh looking directly at her,

"I was foolish enough to let go of you the first time. I regretted it. You were the one who kept me going. I understand if you don't feel the same about me the way I feel about you." Sumedh said.

"You, Deepali and Dau are the best things in my life. I never wanted to treat you like I did. I understand if you don't want to be my friends anymore," He finished. His voice broke in the end which made Mallika realize that a small tear had fallen on her cheek. Deepali stood up. For a split second Mallika thought she was going to yell at him but Deepali pulled his ear and twisted it.

"OWWWW DEEPALI!" He said loudly but with surprise.

"Never. How can you even think about us leaving you!?" Deepali  said and pulled him into a hug. Dau stood up as well and hugged him. When they pulled away, Mallika could see him. The real Sumedh, whose eyes were shining with happiness at his friends and when he turned to look at her his lips pulled away to a lopsided smile.

Without a single thought she put her arms around him and hugged him tight. He felt his arms around her and she never wanted to let go. Basant and Deepali joined the hug.

"Um guys," Rahul said. "I'm feeling a bit left out in here."

Deepali gave a breathy laugh and gestured him to join. They all laughed when Rahul was pulled in by Dau and almost had his face planted into the ground. They all had eachother. Mallika realized she was never going to let this feeling of happiness go.


 I am sad to announce that this story will come to an end. I WILL MAKE A FEW MORE CHAPTERS before I end this story though. This is NOT the end.

How are we feeling? What about Sumedh's emotional confession? 

And I have a special treat for you in the upcoming chapters...SUMELLIKA FLUFF!!! Since the plot is now closing I'm not afraid to add some out-of-context scenes, so watch out for new updates!

Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT on this. FOLLOW and SHARE this too!!

 I'll have to have go now since my Physics homework will not complete itself.

Stay Awesome and Safe,

Be Back Soon!

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