Chapter 10

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Lani's P.O.V.

"Sheeeesh." I called, looking out the window of the plane I was in.

"The ocean looks gorgeous and for what? Don't ya think?" I asked the random person next to me smiling.

"Uhm..." He trailed off.

"Hm?" I hummed furrowing my eyebrows.

"Sure." He said slowly. I nodded.

"Yeah!" I paused. "We're almost there too. What brings you to Cali man?" I asked fixing my mask.


"Hello everyone this is your flight attendant here. Please fasten your seatbelts, thank you!"

"What..?" I mumbled. The guy frowned.

"The light isn't even on." He scoffed.

"Still, this i—"

"C-change of plans this is an emergancy! Please take out the-the pamphlet in the seat pocket and follow the instructions to put on your life jackets! T-the plane is going down into the water! Put on your oxygen masks as well!" The lady on the mic panicked informing us. The whole damn plane went into a frenzy.

"Holy shit guy next to me please hold my hand!" I yelled holding my right hand out for him and putting my oxygen mask on, removing my covid mask.


"HOLD MY FUCKING HAND!" I screamed again.


"WAHH YOU'RE SO MEAN, AND THATS NOT EVEN THE CORRECT WAY TO GET OUT!" I screamed putting my life jacket on hastily. He did the same along with everybody else on the plane.

I had spotted a kid having trouble and he was in a seat alone behind me. No parents to be seen. My eyes went wide as I rushed over to him, pushing the guy next to me out of the way and helping the little boy out by putting on all his tools. He was sobbing heavily.

"I-it's okay buddy... we're going to get out of this plane, safely." I assured him, in a little bit of a panic myself. The kid wouldn't stop crying but who gave a fuck, if I was in his position I'd cry too.

"Alright if everyone had a life vest on, please sit down in-in your seats with year heads down!" She yelled moving people to them (She clearly wasn't trained properly).

I grabbed the kids hand and located one. I saw the guy who was sat next to me just gawking at me and I started to scream at him (It wasn't really audible since the plane was going down and it was really loud).

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING SHIT ASS?!" I screeched pushing him out of the way. I held the kid and fixed his life jacket. I hesitantly sat him down next to me.

"S-SHUT UP!" He yelled sitting down as well.

"Little boy, bow your head like this and sit on the edge of your seat like this!" I informed panicky as I showed him. He nodded quickly and did what he was told, along with the guy next to us.

"I swear to god, I swear to god, I swear to barbatos, I swear to goddamn— I don't know, if I fucking die here I better get to heaven to see her..." I mumbled underneath my breath as some sort of prayer. I could feel the plane going down, and my heart felt like it was dropping even tho it was in the same place, and suddenly I lost feeling everywhere, and then... I blacked out.





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