Chapter 1

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Lol remember when I said I couldn't find genshin fics that weren't one shot books? I wasn't looking hard enough 😀

I slowly got up in pain clenching my eyes closed. He had hit me right in my groin.

"Hey, is she alright?!" We've gotta go check in her!" A slightly squeaky voice yelled. I opened my eyes to see a small girl flying at me.

'Oh that's Paimon!' I thought in excitement. I looked behind her to see Aether close behind.

'Male main character too, huh?' I thought with a small smile. Paimon was trying to get my attention.

"Hey! Can you hear me?" She questioned waving her small arms in front of me. I blinked and nodded.

"Haha yeah, I can hear you." I said standing up. Aether started to look me up and down.

'Ayo?' I thought before he spoke. I loved his voice by the way.

"Are you not from Liyue or Mondstadt?" He asked.

'Oh so he was just looking at my clothes. Good.' I shook my head hesitantly and laughed.

"I'm from a far off land. Not even in Teyvat, and that's saying something." I said with a shy smile.

"So you're an alien?!" Paimon exclaimed jumping back, (more like floating back but it is what it is) almost hitting Aether in the face.

"Paimon she might have a diet of your kind and end up eatting you. Watch out." Aether joked making Paimon tear up and start to freak out.

"GAHH! Don't eat me! I'm not emergency food!" She screeched making me sigh and shake my head.

"I won't eat you, and I assure you I'm human..." I trailed off thinking about what I should say next. "Oh! And what were you guys doing here in Liyue?"

"We were following those Fatui around because-"

"Paimon you can't just go telling random people!" Aether scolded. I think I got the idea.

"Oh so you were trying to chase the Fatui to see who they were chasing which happened to be that really pretty girl?" I sort of explained making Aether laugh awkwardly and nod.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to tell. I'm not related to the Fatui anyways." I said staring at the way they went.

"How did you know about the Fatui then?" Paimon asked making me snap my attention back to them sweating balls.

'It's ok Y/n! Just say something that has nothing to do with the storyline!' I thought as I started to spew random words.

"A-ah well that's a long story you see! I uhm... Well I... Uhm... The truth is, I'm also spying on them..?" I said, internally smacking the shit out of myself.

'I AM YOUR BRAIN, LISTEN TO ME!' I screeched at myself internally.

"Oh? What for?"

"Paimon I'm not sure if we can trust her." Aether said narrowing his eyes at me. (which was kind of hot but we don't talk about that part.)

"Oh! Well I was spying on them because..." I couldn't think of anything so I just panicked and spouted out something random.

"C-Childe owes me mora and a good time!" I shouted immediately smacking my mouth.

'Aether, just stab me with your sword.' I thought depressingly as I slowly removed my hand and smiled awkwardly. My cheeks were dusted red from the embarrassment. They both just kind of stared at me for a second. Aether in embarrassment and Paimon in confusion.

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