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Greetings! How are we doing today?(:

Edited : 13/7/2023

POV : Dream

I rolled my eyes at those words but I couldn't help but feel my cheeks getting a familiar warmth - George didn't hesitate to grin widely.
I had this weird feeling in my stomach again , butterflies but something else as well. As if my stomach got turned all over .. I had to save him but I couldn't just break any rules , it's so complicated it feels like it's stressing me out. At the other side I still felt so betrayed, he used me so why should I..save him?.. but I feel like if I would let him just die then I could never sleep alone again or enjoy something again without remembering him.

I had to find my father. I searched everywhere for him but it was useless, he just disappeared out of nowhere? I thought the best that I could do is ask one of the maids if she may knew where the king went. "Excuse me? Do you perhaps have an idea where the king is staying at the moment?",I tapped her shoulder, she turned around and nod "Indeed I do, he's in the garden in front of the grave of your beloved Mother ..the Queen" I could hear the sadness in her voice but she still smiled softly at me.It was more than obvious that I wasn't the only that hadn't recovered from her death even if it was years ago. I gave her a thankful smile back and made my way to the garden immediately.

If I was honest , I hated her grave more than anything. The statue on top of the grave as well. It's not like I hated her , she was my beloved mother after all. But I felt so many emotions everytime I saw her grave. I wasn't exactly sure what it was , maybe it was sadness? Or madness? Whatever it was ..it was pure torture for me. It hurt my soul that she just left me alone with my father but I had to swallow it up. You can't bring people back to life after they've died.

As I arrived into the garden my gaze fell to my father. He was staring at the grave, not crying or anything, just staring. "Son, what are you doing here? Why are you not inside" My father asked, not even looking at me "about the 'stranger' that you wanted to kill.. I.."  "Don't worry my son , I understand. You want to take his life instead of me" He said with a laugh and cut me off, he's kidding  right now, right? "Father please listen to me!" I tried again but it was useless "don't worry , you can do it! Theres no need to be scared , he's a bad man" My father once again decided to be selfish. "JUST LISTEN TO ME ONCE" I yelled at him and hes mood immediately changed "How dare you to yell at your Father" He said in a mad tone and slapped me on my cheek. I should've known he would slap me if I would yell but I didn't care.

"please father, don't kill him " I begged " Dream I have enough, go in your room. I don't want to see your face till tomorrow " My father hissed, I gave in and sighed in defeat. I mean what could I do? He's the king and I have to do what he says without asking questions , it doesn't matter if he was my father or not.

POV : George

I have to wait till they get me to end my life. I obviously wasn't going to let that happen.. if they would untie me I would stab them with the knife Dream gave me.

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