Forgive - Hawk

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request by @OwlOfAnxiety

y/n pov

I had been in Johnny Lawrences Cobra Kai from the first day, my best friend Eli decided to join me and with his unexpected personality change we soon started dating. we were going strong until Miguel was kicked off the balcony, that's when everything started to go south. Hawk decided to stay with Kreese while I took a break from karate. Everyday I watched Hawk become worse and worse until I couldn't stand to look at him anymore, he had become the person we all once hated most, a bully. So I fired back by joining Eagle Fang, and that's what really pushed our relationship over the edge, causing us to finally separate. he hated how I joined the quote on quote losers side and I hated how he thought of me as the enemy. We were done.

Fast forward to miyagi do/ eagle fangs first day

My first day at my new dojo was today, I'm sitting in my car like an idiot. I'm too nervous to go in and face Hawk, it'll be the first time seeing him since the fight at the Larrusso's where he said he wanted to join us. I was done believing his bullshit. Finally I man up and get out of my car walking into the dojo. I immediately feel Hawks eyes burning into me and we accidentally make eye contact, quickly turning away from him I see Sam start running up to me.

"y/n! you made it, I though you weren't gonna show" she says excitedly.

"Yep I'm here. Just nervous to have to see him"

"Oh.. don't worry I'll help you out but maybe it would be best to just talk with him" she suggests.

"No Sam!" I quickly realize I just snapped at her and tell her "Sorry I'm just really worked up over this".

"No I get it, its for you to decide" she smiles at me and heads back to training, and I follow walking slowly behind.

"y/n! you're late, start stretching" Sensei Lawerence calls out to me. "Hello to you to I guess" I mumble under my breath as I put my bag down and start to stretch. I feel the presence of two familiar boys next to me and I look up to greeted by Miguel and Demetri. "Hey guys" I say.

"Hey y/n, how's it going?" Demetri asks.

"Not good" I tell him. "I can't believe you guys are just letting him in here like its nothing after all he did to us! He broke your arm for Demetri!".

"Yeah I know, I lived it" he tells me. I roll my eyes, He always has some smart ass answer for everything.

"You have to forgive him at some point" Miguel tells me.

"I don't know if I can".

"y/n stretching!!" Sensei Lawrence yells out to me.

"I know, I know'' I yell back at him. "Sorry guys I just can't bring myself to forgive him as fast as you can". The two boys nod and head back to their training. 

Fast forward to the end of training

I had managed to successfully avoid Hawk for all of training, now all I had to do was make it to my car and drive away as fast as possible, without him noticing me. Once were dismissed I run to get my bag and fly out to the parking lot.

"y/n why are you running?" Miguel shouts.

 "Ughh" I think to myself. "No reason" I smile back to him and start running to my car again.

"y/n wait up!" I hear the voice I never wanted to hear again and I mentally prepare myself for whatever is about to happen. I slowly turn around and am met face to face with Hawk. "Hey can we talk?" He asks me. I want to say no, I want to run back into my car but I don't and tell him yes.

"Look y/n I'm so sorry for everything. I put you and everyone else through so much shit and there's no one to blame but me. I'm gonna take full responsibility for it because I truly am so sorry and ashamed of what Cobra Kai made me. You won't ever have to worry about me turning back into a Cobra Kai, I'm done being a bully. I'm really sorry y/n and I'm gonna make it up to you, I promise" I notice the tears starting to form in his eyes and I know that this time he means it. Hawk has apologized for a million things and none of them have been like this. This one was real, and I knew there was no other choice but to accept his apology.

"Thank you, Eli" I notice he doesn't tense at the name like he usually does. I hesitate at first, but I finally say "I accept your apology, and I'm happy to finally have the real you back".  We just stand there smiling at each other for about a minute until I raise my hands up, cupping his checks, and he leans into my touch.  Our faces are getting closer and closer and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach is all too familiar, but I don't push away instead I move closer and our lips finally connect. The kiss isn't rushed or anything, its filled with passion and love. The love we had for each other, that's always been there, and was never leaving.

Eli slowly pulls away and I frown wondering if I had already messed things up. "y/n I love you. I'm sorry I've been such a dick and let that get in the way of our relationship". 

"I love you to Eli". 

Everything fell into place. I finally had my Eli back.


sorry for the late update guys! This was actually so fun to make, I love writing off of requests lmk if you have any. Also I think I'm gonna make a playlist for this book so leave any song recs that would work with this book. Don't forget to vote, thanks so much for reading!!

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