Quicksand ch.13

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I came down from the station bunk room in my uniform and went to the kitchen where the team was

"Morning." I said in a tired voice getting my coffee

"Morning" Paul says

"I'm guessing you guys didn't get great sleep you both look like hell ."Marjan looks at us and says

"Thanks Marjan for your kind words ." I say rolling my eyes

She walks away laughing while passing Nancy saying good morning to her

"Morning guys ." Nancy says fully energized

"Morning ." Me and Paul said

The bell went off it was both a fire and medical call so the whole team rushed to the truck

" husband and wife stuck in quicksand ."

As we are in the truck Nancy says " looks like another quicksand call ."

"This has happened before ?"

" yeah this is what happens all the time ."

"How many survivors?"

" about 1 out of 3 survives the sand usually swallows them almost whole by the time someone calls it in."

When we get there the mans body is halfway swallowed by quick sand the team tries to pull him out but no luck Judd's trying to give directions to the man but the man is not following through .

I go over to the victims wife " does your husband have any conditions we need to know about ?"

"He's deaf and has high blood pressure."

"Okay thank you mam"

"Judd ! The wife says he's deaf and has high blood pressure."

All of a sudden Nancy starts doing sign language to the man the man quickly understands her and follows the direction

We get him out of the quick sand and start checking him out we get him in the back of the ambulance and gather our gear

"Cap !" Nancy yells

"Nancy what's up ?"

"I think he's having a heart attack ."

"His wife did say that he has high blood pressure when they pulled him out it must have gone higher causing him to have a heart attack ." His wife at the time is now on the floor crying in fear

"we hook him up to saline and give him medicine to calm him down and stop his heart attack .

"Okay he's stable . Good job guys ."

"Mam your husbands okay would you like to ride with him ?"

"Yes .. yess ."

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