Crap! Ch.65

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It had been a few days Michelle had been staying with us she goes home tomorrow so she was getting her stuff packed and all of that .

I had been helping Michelle pack her stuff

"So when am I gonna get a invite to the wedding?" She said being nosy as always

" I'm not sure but I'll make sure I send you the details ." I said laughing

"You know if you think about i-." She started breathing rapidly

"Hey,hey,Michelle take a breath .." I said sitting her down on the guest bed

When she went unconscious

"T we need your help!" I said yelling so he could hear

"Yeah what's up?"he said opening the door

"What the hell happened." He said grabbing his kit out of the closet

"I'm not sure she just started talking then she started breathing really fast then she became unconscious." I said in a worried voice

"Her airways blocked can you get me a tube ." He said pointing to the bag

"Here" I said giving him the tube and watched him insert it into her mouth she began to breath again

"She has low blood pressure that's why she fainted she might have forgot to take her pill ."

Michelle's eyes fluttered open and Tk took the tube out so she could speak and breath on her own and pushed medicine into her arm

"Hey, Michelle how are you feeling ?"

"Good now thanks Tk ."

"Anytime ."

"Michelle for the love of God you scared the living crap out of me ." I said throwing her t shirt at her

"Sorry good thing your future-hubby is a paramedic." She said laughing

"Your really not funny ." I said looking at her

"Imma go ." Tk said laughing as he exited the room

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