Pray ch.89

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We arrived at the hospital Owen filled me in on what happened . I was worried he was different since we came back . He had trouble focusing,and he got dizzy but he just made an excuse for them .

"We're here for Tk strand?" Owen said to the front desk lady

"Owen hey." Tommy said from across the room

Tommy pulled Owen into a hug and Nancy hugged me

"He was fine one minute and then the next he wasn't I don't know what happened I'm sorry." She said as she hugged me

"Hey this was not your fault ." I said looking at her

"Is he up ?" Owen said asking Tommy

"No not yet but we're allowed to see him ." She said

Owen went into the room and as I followed him

"He didn't say anything about his head like at all I thought that meant he was good -." Owen said tearing up

"I think just wanted to do his job .." I said

"Poor kid ." He said holding TK's hand

The team arrived and we all said a prayer for Tk that he would get better

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