Pleasing a Cyborg [N. Tropy/N. Gin]

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(This was requested by DemonicWhisperer. Note: N. Tropy's wife and daughter, Aisleen and Natalie, are mentioned briefly in this; they are two of MY OCs.)

N. Gin stretched his arms out. He looked at the clock that hung on the other side of the bedroom; it was eight o'clock in the morning. He suddenly began to have rather ludicrous thoughts. He pulled the covers off himself and saw that his member was rather erect, for his bulge was quite visible. The first person he thought of was his boyfriend, Cortex; perhaps he could help N. Gin with this.

N. Gin walked over to the dresser and picked up the telephone, dialing a number. "What is it?" Cortex said from the other end. "I'm kind of busy."

"I was just thinking if you could, erm, help me," N. Gin began nervously. "Let's just get to the point. I'm rather...horny right now, and I was wondering if you could--"

"If you're asking me if I could help you get rid of your horniness, I can't right now. I am on a mission. If you really want sex that much, call someone else about it. I don't mind if you do that, but I definitely can't help you at the moment."

Upon hearing Cortex hang up, N. Gin proceeded to call N. Tropy. "What in the devil is it this tine?" Tropy growled. He sounded more tired than anything.

"I...have a bit of a problem," N. Gin said. "I know you have a wife, as well as a daughter, but...well..."

"What is so important that you had to mention my family like that?"

N. Gin gulped. "Well...I'm horny. Cortex is busy right now, so I was hoping you could help me instead. P-Please...?"

It couldn't be seen, but a disgusted look appeared on N. Tropy's face. Eventually, a sigh could be heard from him. "As much as I loathe the idea of having sex with another male (being as I have a significant other), I will be at the castle in a moment."

N. Tropy hung up the phone. It took thirty minutes for him to arrive at Cortex Castle. He marched up to N. Gin's room, where he figured the little cyborg would be. N. Gin grinned upon seeing the blue man.

"Hey, what took you so long?" he asked. "Just curious."

N. Tropy's right eye began to twitch. "I was...having a great time...with my family," he growled, trying not to yell. "Your horniness ruined everything I had planned, you know."

"You didn't have to accept the offer...but I'm happy that you did. Now let's get started, shall we? I've been waiting long enough."

N. Gin took his clothes off. N. Tropy proceeded to do the same. N. Gin wanted to start things off by getting on all fours on the bed, with N. Tropy getting behind him. The Master of Time, wanting to get it over with, slid his member inside of N. Gin's rear, causing the cyborg to moan in ecstasy. N. Tropy rolled his eyes as he began to thrust in and out at a steady pace.

"Faster~" N. Gin begged.

Although N. Tropy really did not want to, he did what his colleague wished. His thrusts became more erratic, but N. Gin enjoyed the sensation. This was the best feeling he had had in a while. He could not believe Cortex actually did not care if he allowed someone else to fuck him.

N. Tropy soon began to go as fast as he could go. "I'm going to...c-cum!" N. Gin moaned loudly.

N. Tropy would have been surprised iflf the rest of the castle did not hear N. Gin's noises. "I-I'm going to well..." the Master of Time panted.

Before N. Gin even knew it, he felt a warm and sticky liquid enter his ass. N. Tropy pulled out, cum seeping out of N. Gin's tired hole. The two panted a while before quickly cleaning up the mess and getting their clothes back on. N. Tropy glared daggers at N. Gin, who was confused as to why the Master of Time seemed agitated.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I simply cannot believe you made me do this," N. Tropy said, "but...I did say I would always help a friend. As long as Aisleen and Natalie do not discover what we did, everything should be fine. Now I must be on my way. My wife is already annoyed that we had to come back to the castle so soon..."

N. Gin watched as N. Tropy left the room. He sighed in absolute lust. He was finding himself beginning to love N. Tropy more and more, but he would always be loyal to Cortex. He went back to sleep as he continued to think about what had just transpired.

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