Aphrodisiac [Natalie (OC)/Markus (OC)]

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(For those who aren't already aware, Natalie is an OC of mine and is N. Tropy's daughter. Markus belongs to me as well.)

Natalie roamed the halls of Cortex Castle, on her way to Cortex's laboratory. He had an important task for her and wished to speak with her at once. Once there, she knocked on the door just as a precaution; she learned her lesson in the past, when she barged in and found Cortex doing things in particular with himself.

Cortex was seemingly working on more experiments and didn't even hear the door open and Natalie step in. The short scientist appeared to be deeply concentrated, a gas mask covering his face as he mixed multiple beakers full of colored chemicals. Markus, Natalie's boyfriend of a couple years, was watching him intently, a gas mask covering his face as well; just like Cortex, he also hadn't heard Natalie approach.

"So, what is this 'important task' you have for me?" Natalie asked, startling Cortex and causing him to quickly turn around. Such caused him to accidentally knock the beakers off of the table, the glass crashing to the floor and peculiar liquid spilling everywhere.

"Damn it, Natalie!" Cortex snapped. "Do you realize how long I have been working on this?!"

"I-I'm sorry! You said you wanted to see me. I...I didn't mean to scare you!"

"Now I've got to clean up this mess." Cortex turned to Markus. "Wait here while I go fetch something to clean this up." He turned back to Natalie. "I really should make you do it!" He marched his way out the lab, slamming the door as he went.

"I really am sorry..."

"It's okay," Markus said. "Cortex is known for having a...temper."

Natalie began to go on a rant about how Cortex was probably going to kill her and how her father wasn't going to be happy if he found out, among other things. However, a soft moan suddenly escaped her lips. She was shocked even with herself for it, while Markus simply looked at her in bewilderment.

What was that? Markus wondered.

Their eyes were locked in a piercing gaze, but they weren't going anywhere. Markus quickly snapped out of it, narrowing his eyes and balling his hands into fists, when Natalie suddenly moaned again. Much louder this time. They both froze again, and Markus suddenly became painfully aware of the hard object growing and pressing against his leg.

Markus felt like he had just swallowed acid. His mouth hung open for a moment, but he quickly shut it, taking a sharp breath to try to compose himself. His brain was racing at one hundred miles per hour, but he inexplicably managed to lock on to one thought. He gasped, his eyes bulging out of his head.

"I think...that was an aphrodisiac," Markus said finally. "Why the hell would Cortex make such a thing...?"

"Excuse me, a what?" Natalie asked.

"It's...basically a love drug. It makes anyone exposed to it, um...turned on."

Natalie began to blush, something that was new for her. Despite being a villain, or at least being considered as one, she was rather innocent. She wanted to wait to have sex until marriage, but...she just could not help what she was feeling at the moment. She began to feel even worse for having startled Cortex.

The two froze for the third time, Markus desperately trying to hide the effects of the aphrodisiac trying to consume his own body. His breathing grew more labored and his hands shook slightly as he gripped his thighs in an attempt to restrain himself. A horrible idea. The small sensation went straight to his groin and he had to bite his lip to stifle a moan, but Natalie took notice of the way his eyes rolled into the back of his skull.

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