Forced (Part 2) [Akane (P5 character)/N. Cortex]

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(This was requested by KatieSandow. It's a bit short, but I had to come up with something quickly because I'm going to be busy the rest of the night.)

Katie, Austin, Ren, and Zenkichi, upon hearing screaming from far away, barged into Cortex Castle. There they saw Akane next to Cortex, both of whom were fully clothed but appeared to be exhausted. That was when Katie and the others came to the realization of what had possibly just transpired.

"So, you imbeciles have finally dared to challenge me," Cortex snarled. He snapped, and Crash and Coco were thrown into the room, hands tied behind their backs and mouths stitched.

The door was quickly closed and locked behind Katie and her friends, with Cortex continuing to glare at the group with a lustful look in his eyes. He licked his lips before pushing Katie onto the floor. Before he could finish taking her clothes off, Austin pushed him off of her.

Cortex growled, greatly agitated. "You simple-minded fools," he said. "I am going to show you all the true meaning of misery."

Cortex forced Akane onto the floor, just as he had done before anyone else had walked in. He took off just her bottoms and slid her panties to one side before proceeding to slide his hard member inside of her once more. Yet again, Crash and Coco were forced to watch, not being able to shield their eyes from such a monstrosity.

The angered Zenkichi took several steps forward before charging at Cortex, pushing the scientist away and forcing him out of Akane. "You leave my daughter alone!" he shouted.

Cortex stood back up, obviously in a state of shock. "That's...your daughter?" he asked, although he really didn't care. "How intriguing. Looks like I'll just have to torture both of you."

While Cortex was distracted, Ren approached the bandicoot siblings and untied them, allowing them to move freely. However, it was a shame that they could not speak due to their mouths having been stitched shut.

Cortex attempted to push both Akane and her father down, but in a state of rage, Zenkichi proceeded to chase Cortex throughout the castle. The evil scientist eventually gave up running and yielded to the man before him.

"Okay..." Cortex panted, quite exhausted from all the running he did. "You win. Take your damned daughter and your so-called friends and get out of here. Get as far away from here as possible. If I see your faces again, I will not go see easy on you...and your precious little girl will be mine forever. Now, allow me to leave you with a message: I ravaged sweet little Akane earlier."

Zenkichi wanted to kill Cortex right then and there, but he knew that if he did one of Cortex's henchmen, most likely Aisleen, would murder Katie and all of her friends in a heartbeat. Zenkichi and the others left, Akane praying the entire time that the two bandicoots would eventually be able to speak again.

Meanwhile, Cortex paced back and forth in his laboratory. He did not want to have to spare anyone, but he also did not want to die. He had always cared for his life more than the lives of others. He smiled to himself. He knew he had gotten Akane pregnant; that was her entire punishment. He knew he had downright traumatized her, but he did not care. To him, hurting someone both physically and mentally was most important.

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