Studies [Sonja (someone else's OC)/Dr. Neo Cortex]

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(This was requested by Thecrystopilisempire. Sonja belongs to them.)

"Blast it all."

Days. Days and days had passed since Team Cortex had a meeting. No one could think of any possibly way they could dispose of the bandicoots once and for all. It seemed hopeless. Perhaps those pests were just too good for them.

Days eventually turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, before they were about ready to give up. That was when Cortex met her.

He met a young woman by the name of Sonja, who claimed that she was able to transform into a mermaid. An evil grin spread across the scientist's face. This was it. Perhaps this was the missing piece he had been seeking. Sonja could be their ticket to finally being ride of the bandicoots.

He asked, in an innocent voice - of course, he had been faking it - if she would "assist" him in his studies. She was reluctant, but she agreed. He led her to his castle, where she was immediately introduced to the minions. To them, she seemed like the polite sort, but she wasn't as innocent as they believed. As she looked down at Cortex, she couldn't help but smile a bit. She wasn't sure what emotion she was feeling, but she did not entirely enjoy it.

Cortex led Sonja to his personal laboratory, where various tables and chemicals could be seen, as well as a large monitor on the left side of the room. She was asked to sit on one of the tables, and she did as she was told. However, she was a bit curious as what exact study Cortex needed assistance with. She did not ask any questions, though, as she watched him grab some of his equipment.

"So, you claim you can turn into a mermaid," Cortex said. "Is that correct?"

"Y-Yes, sir," Sonja nervously replied.

"'Sir'? How quaint. Now, if you would just hold still..."

"What are you going to do to me?"

That question caught him off guard. A sinister smile spread across his lips as he stared at Sonja up and down. She noticed but didn't mention it; however, it was making her more nervous than she already was.

Much to her surprise, he set his materials to the side before turning to look at her again. He chuckled when he noticed that she was blushing. She attempted to hide her flustered expression, albeit poorly.

"Stand up," he commanded.

Sonja did as she was told and peeled herself off the table. Cortex walked closer to her until he was directly in front of her.  He didn't say a word as he continued to gaze at her.

The studies can wait, he thought. For now, I just want to focus on her beauty.

Although he really wanted to know how Sonja was able to transform, he had other things on his mind at the same time. Unbeknownst to him, she felt the same way. There was just one more question she had in mind, but she did not have the confidence to ask him. Luckily for her, Cortex asked the very question before she could even think about opening her mouth:

"Are you...untouched?"


"Wait," Sonja said after an awkward silence. "Do you mean...what I think you mean?" The scientist simply nodded in response. "I-I see. Well, um...yes, I am...untouched."

Cortex chuckled at the display. It was adorable, really. "You don't need to be so nervous around me. I'll be gentle."


Much to her surprise, she was pulled on top of Cortex on the cold stone floor. Her blushing, which never did go away, intensified the longer she stared into his eyes. He could say the same, for he felt himself begin to blush as well.

"Is it just me...or is it getting hot in here?" Sonja asked.

Cortex laughed quietly. He did not respond as he rolled the two of them over, to where he was on top now. He wanted to take in her beauty longer, but he couldn't take it any longer. He wanted her. No, he needed her. The thought was almost unbearable, eating away at his mind. He wanted to ravage her so badly, and he didn't even have to ask to know that Sonja did as well.

Without much warning, he proceeded to rip her clothes right off her body. When she gave him a look of shock, he whispered in her ear, "Don't worry. I'll get you some more."

Sonja breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't have much time to think before she saw that Cortex was fully nude as well. She did not want to look away; she would be insane if she did. Although his member looked bigger than she had imagined, she would take it all just to please him.

Cortex rubbed his cock up and down Sonja's slit before guiding himself inside. It was tight and wet, but he knew it would be. After all, she was a virgin - until now, at least. He began to thrust in and out at a rather gentle pace, and it was not long before she begged for him to move faster and harder. He smiled as he obliged to her request, his movements now causing her to moan. However, she was wary to not moan so loudly, for she had a feeling that the others, most of whom were just in the next room, would hear.

"Mmm...fuck..." Cortex groaned. "You feel...amazing..."

Sonja felt herself rush toward the edge as she moaned a bit louder, with Cortex feeling the same. He thrusted harder and harder, faster and faster, as he felt his own member twitch inside of her. Pretty soon, they came at the same time, his warm, sticky load quickly making its way inside of her moist womanhood. He thrusted a few more times before pulling out, cum seeping out of her tired hole. The two of them panted as they came down from their high, with Cortex falling on top of Sonja. They made out for a bit before gazing into each other's eyes.

"Enjoy yourself, did we?" Cortex sneered.

"You're one to talk," Sonja laughed. "Now, once we're, uh, more about that study?"

The exhausted Cortex yawned. "That can wait for tomorrow. For now, I'm enjoying lying here with you."

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