Chapter 13: The Adopt-A-Skaikru Program

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TonDC in peacetime turns out to be nearly as destructive as TonDC in wartime to the 100.

The fayowada proves to be almost dangerously strong, so Clarke's memories are warm and blurred, a pleasant haze of intoxication over the events, but she can remember the feeling of it all. She remembers the heat of the fire burning her face, Lexa's quiet, amused voice in her ear, the loud laughter bursting out of different groups, the contentment in the air, music and dancing and wrestling and drinking going on in every direction she looks.

At the start of the night Skaikru and Trikru were separate, but the powerful liquor and air of celebration had infected them all by the end. Some of the older Sekons joined in Monty and Jasper's impromptu drinking game. A group of gonas started teaching some of the 100 the words for a dirty song in Trigedasleng. A Skaikru girl started flirting with one of the TonDC youths who was part of the wrestling competition going on and their groups of friends began talking. It was a look at how the world could be this time, hopefully. It was just... nice.

However, the niceness presented its bill in the morning. Clarke still has a slight headache now, and she partook very lightly compared to some of the others. The day has been filled with arguing and complaints from the hungover and tired Skaikru. Lexa simply orders her gonas to shof op when they complain: Clarke doesn't have that option. So she's spent the whole day helping to settle minor quarrels and mentally cursing everyone for speaking too loudly.

When they get to Polis, Clarke is exhausted. Lexa has promised to help train her up – a generous offer, because she normally only trains Natblidas – but for the moment she's as weak as a kitten. Months in solitary confinement haven't done her any favours, but even before that there wasn't a whole lot of exercise on the Ark. No space, for one; for another, they couldn't afford the extra protein and carbs required to build muscle. So they were all slender but soft.

She spares a moment to envy Wells, Finn, Jasper and Monty, staying comfortably at TonDC. Lexa had, after some discussion, allowed Finn to remain in TonDC (largely because Clarke was smart enough to wait until after two mugs of fayowada), but she'd left orders with Indra and Anya that none of the Skaikru there were to be trusted with weaponry. Wells, meanwhile, had accepted Clarke leaving much more evenly than she'd expected him to – it was like her forgiving him had somehow helped him reach closure. She wondered if he'd thought for the past year that if it weren't for that, she would fall in love with him, but now he had the proof she wouldn't. Or maybe it was just that she'd changed, and even if he was attributing it to her solitary confinement, he couldn't help but notice it.

They'd hugged goodbye, like old friends, like best friends. Promised each other they'd stay safe. Then left each other without too much fuss.

Clarke can't help comparing it to the boy who got arrested to stay with her.

Once they're in Polis Lexa steers her into her old ambassador room, and tucks her into the bed in a way that's not at all Commander-like. "Sleep, Clarke," she murmurs in her soft voice. "Get some rest."

She claws her way back to consciousness for a second to say "The others?"

"In the lower levels, for the moment," Lexa replies. "We'll find other places for them tomorrow."

Clarke nods, or maybe just dreams she nods, and when she next opens her eyes the whole world is bright and there's a knock on her door.

She tries to get out of bed but instead just manages to roll onto the floor (well done, Clarke) and calls out "Come in" anyway because she knows it's Lexa and she doesn't have to be too dignified with Lexa.

It's not Lexa.

Gustus bows his head for a second, then raises it again and looks at her in a way that's not at all as docile as the gesture of respect made him seem. "Good morning, Clarke kom Skaikru."

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