Chapter 124: Family Ties

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Abby joins their group at the very last second before they go. Raven blinks in surprise and opens her mouth to make a sarcastic comment, but Lexa shoots her a glare and she pouts instead. Kane does not look surprised at all, and in fact left Cole in charge while he and Maya attend, leading Lexa to suspect he always believed Abby would come with them.

Clarke gives no sign that she has seen her nomon, but Lexa can feel a little of the tension leave her niron's body at the sight of her. Despite her anger at her mother, Clarke wishes for her to be by her side at their bonding.

"I still don't approve," Abby warns Lexa in an undertone when they stop for a meal. Clarke is deep in a heartfelt discussion with Gustus and does not notice. "I just don't want to miss the wedding, even if I think it will end badly. If you hurt her -"

"If I hurt her, there is nothing you could do to make me regret it more than I already would," Lexa tells her honestly. "But I am glad you have come."

"Are your parents going to be there?" Abby asks.

"I am a Natblida," Lexa informs her. "That means I have no family. I was taken from my parents too young to remember them. I do not even know what their names were."

Abby looks shocked, then saddened. "I'm very sorry to hear that, Lexa," she says, and the sympathy seems to be genuine.

Lexa shrugs. "You cannot miss what you have never had," she says with brutal simplicity.

"Really?" Abby gives her an odd smile. "Sometimes I think the things I've never had are what I miss most of all. I missed this planet even though I grew up on the Ark. I missed flowers and trees."

"I cannot imagine growing up trapped," Lexa says softly.

"And I can't imagine growing up without a family," Abby says, her eyes falling on Clarke again. "I'm sorry you did." She turns back to Lexa and gives her a watery smile. "I think you've got a family now, though. I see it, with some of the others. Your bodyguard and Raven's girlfriend, for instance. Maybe even with some of our people."

"Mochof -" Lexa starts to say, but Abby barrels on.

"And I see how devoted you are to my daughter. I hope you realise that – that my objection to this wedding isn't because I don't want you to be part of my family as well," Abby says earnestly. "Even though I don't always agree with your views any more than I do my daughter's, I understand that you're a product of your culture, and I know you're an incredible young woman. Clarke's always my priority, but I also worry about what will happen to you if this relationship goes badly. I remember you after Clarke was taken. I never thought the news could destroy anyone more than me, and I don't want to see you like that again."

"I thank you for your concern," Lexa says softly. To her surprise, she means it. "And I would like you to be a part of my family as well. That is why your anger and disbelief hurt me. You have not spent much time with Clarke and I together. Perhaps if you do, you will realise that what we have is more than what you think it. It is something deep and lasting."

"I hope so," Abby says, and smiles at her tentatively, though there is still discomfort and worry and even a hint of resentment in her eyes. Perhaps that will fade in time, perhaps not. What matters is that she is here. "What you said yesterday – you're right. I can't risk losing Clarke, no matter what the reason. And she's not my little girl anymore. She's grown up so quickly here that when I saw her again it was like seeing a stranger, one who doesn't listen to me or respect me the way she once did. It's been – hard. But she's still my daughter, even if she's not my little girl."

"So, did you bring a mother of the bride dress?" Raven says cheerfully, appearing behind Abby suddenly.

Abby starts. "I – no, Raven, I didn't."

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