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"We are hoping for peace, Ertugrul Bey." 

Nikola's voice snapped Sienna out of her thoughts and she looked at an alive Ertugrul Ghazi, still sitting. Her imagination felt so real, she forgot she hadn't actually killed him. She looked down at her hidden dagger. It hadn't been unsheathed. She grabbed the handle. 

"How are things in Constantine? Was the emperor depressed after hearing about the defeat?"  

Sienna watched Ertugrul threateningly. She still had a chance to make her imagination reality.  

"He was sad about the dead men, for both sides." 

"Tell your emperor he has to learn about the war between Caesar and Pompei. He will need it." 

Nikola raised his brow in surprise and smiled in disbelief. This shepherd cares about history as well. He raised his bowl and drank a sip. "Is it goat's milk?" Nikola asked, unexpecting the delicious drink. 

"It is a real one. Enjoy." 

Sienna glared at Nikola and the bowl. How dare he take something from them? And show that he likes it? 

After drinking, Nikola stood up, "Well then, I guess it was a pleasure doing business with you. We will meet again tomorrow." 

Ertugrul nodded and let them leave. Sienna continued glaring at Ertugrul and Nikola cleared his throat, "Get up." 

Sienna turned her glare to Nikola, then got up and exited the tent. Nikola sighed, "You must excuse her. She's usually not like this." 

Ertugrul continued drinking the milk, thinking about the sea-green-eyed girl. How could someone so innocent-looking show that much hate? He then remembered seeing the same eyes once, but he couldn't place where. He ignored the thought and continued sipping his milk as Nikola left as well. 

Sienna grabbed her horse's reins and mounted her. 

"Sienna!" Nikola called after her. She almost ruined everything.  

"What?" Sienna spat. 

"Oh, so you're showing me attitude now?" 

Sienna exhaled to calm herself. She hated it when Nikola treated her like a child. Because of Ertugrul, Sienna barely even had a childhood.  

"Wait up," Nikola mounted his horse, called his soldiers and rode out of the tribe, where the people continued cursing them.  

They continued riding until they reached the forest. Sienna couldn't hold back her anger. She glared at Nikola, who rolled his eyes. She then tapped her horse to make her go faster and stopped ahead of Nikola, blocking his way, without breaking contact. 


Sienna didn't answer, making Nikola sigh. He gestured to the soldiers to continue to the castle. Nikola looked into her eyes, trying to find out what she wanted. They were foggy this time. 

"How did you do this, Nikola?" she finally spoke up. 

"Sienna..." Nikola sighed. He dismounted his horse and Sienna did the same. It was time for another competition. 

Sienna walked towards Nikola. "You kneeled in front of my father's murderer! You respected him. You praised him. You betrayed our cause! You betrayed Rome! YOU BETRAYED ME!"  

Nikola slowly grabbed his sword's handle and continued watching Sienna. She quickly unsheathed her dagger and brought it to her neck when Nikola grabbed her arm and tried pulling it away, "Sienna!" 

Sienna was about to break into tears. The man she hated her entire life. The man who ruined her childhood. The man who broke up her family. The man who killed her family was standing right in front of them, and Nikola, who she trusted, bowed down to him. He betrayed her. Besides Nikola, she had no one, and now he was gone too. She had no reason to live. She couldn't live. 

"I went to make an agreement with Gunduz. I was going to offer him a war if he didn't give me Karachaisar. What could I do in front of an old man? Do you think Ertugrul's arrival will prevent us, Sienna?! Sienna!" 

Sienna's fury was washing away but was quickly replaced with sadness. She trembled and the fog that covered her eyes became misty. She looked between Nikola's eyes, unable to say anything. Nikola looked back into hers and confusion washed over him. She was crying. She never cried. He knew nothing of how much she suffered the past years, spending her childhood in the dark dungeon where neither light shined nor animals' sung. Sienna loosened her grip on the dagger and walked off. She yelled in fury and threw her dagger against a tree.  

Nikola watched Sienna cry against the tree with a disbelieving and confused expression, only half understanding her pain. Memories of Ertugrul and the past swam through her mind. Everything she lost. Everyone she lost. What that man had done. Sienna decided it was time to tell Nikola the whole story. She wasn't able to keep it in anymore. "Years ago, Ertugrul was going to kill the Karachaisar Tekfur. My father stood in front of him to protect him. They fought. I saw everything from the place I was hiding. I saw how my father fought to protect the castle! With every attack, he opened deep wounds in my father's body like the ones in my body. I wanted to scream. I wanted to beg him to stop killing my father! But I couldn't Nikola. I couldn't. My father was on his knees after all the injuries. I always remember his eyes. Then he said to Ertugrul 'Don't you think you've won, Ertugrul Bey, the war is just about to start.' But Ertugrul had the sarcastic look in his eyes. He cut off his head, and I just sat there watching my father's head roll onto the floor. His eyes still open, the hope and joy they always carried slowly fading away. I see my father dying every night. Every night!" 

Nikola was shocked. Not on the horror Sienna must have witnessed and her suffering, but how wrong the story she told turned out to be. He decided it was a good thing. It was a good thing she did not know the full story. This way, her vengeance against Ertugrul would play to his advantage. He walked towards her dagger and took it out of the tree. He then came back to a crying Sienna and placed his hand on her arm. "I promise you. We will take our revenge...for your father...and our brothers." Nikola sliced his palm with the dagger and balled his fist, "We will eat them like mice." He sheathed Sienna's dagger and swore, "And we will tear them into pieces like lions. Don't think that we lost. The war is just about to start, Sienna. And we need you with us. So please, don't try this again." He nodded to the cut on her neck, where blood was slowly trickling, "For this cause...for Rome...for me," 

Sienna nodded. "Besides you, I have no one to turn to, Nikola. Promise you won't abandon me." 

"Have I ever?" 

Sienna smiled.  

"...You don't need a hug, right?" 

Sienna tried giving a blank expression, but her tears prevented her from giving a firm 'no.' 

"Okay bring it in," Nikola tried when Sienna brought her dagger in front of him.


Nikola put his hands in the air and backed away, falsely surrendering, "Okay, I won't. Now wipe those." He gently rubbed off the tears that fell and Sienna smiled, thankfully. "Now, come on we have a lot of plotting to do." 

Sienna headed for her horse and mounted it giving one last grateful look to Nikola before heading towards the castle with him.   

Sienna - Kurulus OsmanWhere stories live. Discover now