Forgive and forget?

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Y/n: do you really think...I'll just forgive and forget?
Y/n: after catching you with her....your blood should run cold....
Taehyung: ...I'm sorry
Y/n: I can't...

I dashed out of the room and ran outside. Feeling my heart sunk at the bottom of my stomach, I wasn't able to breathe properly. Tears never leaving my eyes as my feet drag me somewhere I don't know. The day started off good and ended badly. I felt a hand on mine grabbing my wrist harshly and turning me around. Taehyung was looking at me dead in the eyes.

Taehyung: don't you dare interrupt me
Y/n: let g-

I felt something on my lips preventing me from speaking. At first I thought Taehyung placed his hand on my mouth to stop me, but when I felt it moving, moving across mine so gently....I knew it wasn't his hand....

His lips moved against mine in a passionate way, his body pressed against my body, making me stuck between his structure and the wall. Both of his hands were trapping me from side to side making me stuck in this little cage of his. I closed my eyes enjoying this sensation, but as soon as I did that, flash backs on Lisa and him made me gather all my strength and push him away.

Taehyung: hear me out
Y/n: I said I don't want to
Taehyung: but y/-

I stood there starring at him speechless

Y/n: so you're lying now?

He sighs heavily and looks down biting his lips.

"p-please believe me" his voice cracks

I've...never in my whole life seen taehyung like this.....

Y/n: w-why are you laughing....?

Taehyung started laughing so hard, holding his stomach

Taehyung: you're coming with me honey.. *smirks*

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