Chapter 0.1 pt1

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(note: give this story a chance I swear its worth it)

The Past – Zhou  Keyu  POV 1

In fact, a few months ago, he already felt that his feelings for Patrick were a bit different. But at that time, he didn’t care because Patrick was the first person he allowed to enter his life and was even the person he lived with. The difference with Patrick, setting him apart from others, should be entirely because Patrick is very much similar to Gan Wang Xin.

When Gan Wang Xin and his sister got engaged, he had already planned to give up. Pursuing with this kind of feeling knowing that it is hopeless is obviously not worth it. Moreover, being persistent could ultimately hurt his sister. This kind of matter, he should not stubbornly persevere. Adding on, when Patrick is by his side, he no longer felt empty. In fact, he felt content.

At this time, he decided that he could consider accepting Patrick.

What he had not thought of was that Patrick would find out about everything. Not only that, his reaction to it was extreme. In fact, toward the end, he must sacrifice Patrick for Gan Wang Xin’s benefit, or vice versa. When Gan Wang Xin personally opened his mouth to ask him, he really had no reason to refuse. He had his reasons. First, if Gan Wang Xin got this role, his added value is ten folds and Patrick’s added value is one hundred. However, if he lost this role, at most Patrick’s loss is ten, but for Gan Wang Xin, it is a thousand. Secondly, he could give Patrick a better role, paving the way for a better and smoother journey in his career. Finally, and most importantly, he will not let his person be in the same movie with this surname Lan. He hated for other people to look to at his things, not to mentioned lust after it.

In his opinion, he could give Patrick a lot of things that he needed, such as good roles, a great environment and what Patrick especially wanted most – his affections toward him. Patrick likes him so much. He  should gladly accept all these, so he didn’t spend too much time considering before making a decision that would ultimately make him regret his entire life.

The two days that he kept Patrick under house arrest, he contacted a director, intending on giving Patrick a better role than Gan Wang Xin’s as compensation to him. He is not a person who is good at expressing his feelings. He only thought that by using this method, Patrick would feel his importance in his (  keyu's) heart. It never occurred to him that Patrick would not be grateful. Not only did he not accept, he also used the cruelest way to punish him for everything that he had done wrong.

When Patrick left his line of sight, using the excuse to go to the bathroom, it never occurred even in his dreams that this would be the last time he would ever see this man again in his life. From now on, he would never have the slightest chance to see this gentle and tolerant smile on this face once again.

After Patrick used the excuse and left, he was in no hurry to chase after him. He wanted to give Patrick time to calm down for a few days. But he didn’t expect Patrick to turn off his phone completely and his whereabouts completely unknown.

On the first day, the second day, and even the third day, he could still bear it. But after that, he could no longer stand it anymore. He reached out to a contact and forced Rikimaru  to reveal the truth. Finally, he found that Patrick had taken on a documentary filming job and had entered the XiWan Mountain.

He felt heavyhearted. The phone signal in the mountains is not good. There is no way for him to get connected to Patrick. It may be a few months before Patrick would be able to come out.

Since the two met, they have never been separated for this long. Thinking that it might not be possible to see Patrick for two to three months, adding on, their separation was under extremely unpleasant circumstances, he felt very unsettled. After a few days, this feeling became painfully insufferable.

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