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“Where are you headed?” Patrick watched zhou   keyu  strap on the seat belt. The back side of his white hand and slender fingers were very sexy.

  keyu  was about to say ‘nearby hotel’ when his phone sounded.

  keyu  took out his phone to look. It was a call from his sister, Yan Mingmei. Yan Mingmei told him to go her place to stay the night, and they’ll go back together to their parent’s home tomorrow. zhou   keyu  really didn’t want to go. He hated hearing about her and Gan Wang Xin’s relationship from her lips. But, in the end, she was still his older sister, and he couldn’t think of any reason to refuse her. Thus, after he hung up the phone, he gave out the address of a neighbourhood in the Third Ring Road. Yan Mingmei had bought an apartment there for convenience to work, and generally lived there on work days.

Patrick smiled, “That’s not far from my house.” He turned the steering wheel and from the parking lane, forcibly squeezed his car into jammed-packed main road.

Shortly after he drove off, it suddenly started raining. zhou   keyu  silently watched the gloomy sky through the window, with no intention of talking to Patrick.

Nevertheless, Patrick didn’t find it awkward and started talking to him. “Are you Gan Wang Xin’s fan?” Patrick had seen fans behave in front of celebrities with the same sort of zeal and enthusiasm as zhou   keyu  had in the afternoon, when he was interacting with Gan Wang Xin, countless times, so he didn’t find it strange at all. He simply felt that it was a bit of a shame. This boy looked like he was a very indifferent and standoffish person, yet only in front of Gan Wang Xin was he so friendly and enthusiastic; this must be the star power of a superstar.

Naturally, zhou   keyu  wasn’t going to tell an outsider that Gan Wang Xin was his sister’s boyfriend, and gave a perfunctory reply, “Hn, I’m wang ge’s fan.”

“Which agency are you signed with?” Patrick guessed that zhou   keyu  had to be a new talent that had just signed with some company, or else, no matter how pretty he was, he wouldn't have been allowed to come in and out of the studio as he wished.

  keyu  didn't understand. “What agency?”

“Talent agency of course.”

  keyu  finally responded, “No, I’m not signed with any.”

Patrick said in shock, “You haven't signed with any yet? Then, could you consider signing with our company? Our company isn't big, but its financial resources and connections are all top-notch.”

  keyu  finally understood what he meant, and explained, “I’m not signing with any agency. I'm not becoming a celebrity.”

Patrick was stunned for a moment, before he realised that he had guessed incorrectly. He said, smiling, “I apologise. You’re so handsome, I thought that you just debuted. That's a shame, with your looks, you'll definitely be popular.”

  keyu  said absentmindedly, “I’m not interested.” His happy mood from seeing Gan Wang Xin had been completely ruined by his sister’s one phone call. He knew that in Gan Wang Xin's heart, he will only ever be his girlfriend's little brother. But to   keyu , Gan Wang Xin meant far more than that...

Patrick felt a bit bored seeing   keyu 's cold and detached attitude. Although he was itching to sound zhou   keyu  out, he could tell zhou   keyu  was completely uninterested in him. Even if zhou   keyu  was gay, what did it matter? Being homosexual wasn’t anything special. If two men liked the look of each other, both would have realised already. Who had the patience to unearth if the other person was beautiful inside? Even though Patrick felt that it was a pity, he wasn't a petty person. Being able to accompany such an unrivalled beauty on the way home in a traffic jam under the heavy rain was already very wonderful. He'll just make do with sexually fantasizing about him in his head. He should tightly zip his mouth, behave and drive the car to avoid annoying him.

Professional Body Double (KEYU X PATRICK) KEPAT CHUANG 2021Where stories live. Discover now