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Patrick came to the company very early.

Rikimaru  is now the administrative vice president of the company, the left and right hand man of the big boss. He manages everything. The big boss is not in Beijing all year round so he basically took care of the company’s affairs. In these few years, whether it is network connections or his status in the entertainment circle, it can’t be compared to two years ago. So, it’s easy for him to arrange a job for Patrick.

Two years ago…. no…for Patrick, it was only last month that he was also an employee of this company. In the past, the jobs that Rikimaru  introduced to him had the lowest commission fee. Rikimaru  treated him very well; he worked at the company for a long time. He got along with people and has a good relationship with the company’s employees. So he liked this company very much. To be able to work here again, he felt that it is a good start.

Patrick ran into several former colleagues in the office building. He excitedly resisted the urge to greet them. In their eyes, he is a complete stranger.

Rikimaru  took Patrick to his office and warmly asked him to have a sit. Then he answered a phone call. After the phone call, he picked up his keys and told him, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to the filming studio for a tour. Our President Wang has invested more than ¥10 million in this studio and it is currently the biggest in Beijing. Now, the company can get a lot of work every day. You can start there to do some miscellaneous work first. Don’t be afraid to hard work. There are a lot of activities in this place. If possible, you might even get a chance to shoot an ad.”

Patrick smiled, “Riki ge. Right now I just need job. Anything else, I don’t want to think about.”

Rikimaru  looked at him with admiration, “That’s good. At your age, you’re not impulsive. It’s very rare. Do it well. When there is a chance, Riki ge will definitely help you. I know that it’s not easy for you and your mother. Because of your health, she must’ve spent a lot of money. Take it easy. You still have to live your life. It will get better in the future.”

Patrick is touched. Although in outsiders’ eyes, Rikimaru  is strict and harsh, his entire person tinged with deceit and ruthless shrewdness, Patrick knew that this is his façade in order to establish a firm foothold in this industry that is full of all kinds of good and bad people. Rikimaru  is actually a person that is very affectionate to his friends.

Rikimaru  drove toward the TongZhou district and took him to the newly built studio on the Liuhuan border. Their boss reserved the first to the fourth floor of this building, the entire area totaled to more than 1,000 square meters. The interior was converted into a large-scale filming base. Each floor is divided into two areas. The themes for each area are different and can be changed at any time.

Once he entered the building, he saw several tall models walking around in stylish clothing with their faces covered in heavy makeup. They were not surprised, and went straight to the second floor.

They passed by a group of people who is filming a family sitcom and then went to the other side of the functional area dedicated to shooting special effects movies. Those people are shooting a sci-fi ad. The male model’s healthy and beautiful figure is in white silverish tights, flying around dangled on a wire.

“lin mo,” Rikimaru  greeted a fat young man.

The man named lin mo quickly ran over and warmly called, “Riki ge.”

Patrick didn’t know this person. He may be new to the company.

(Rikimaru  speaking to lin mo) “Let me introduce. He is a younger brother (Patrick) from my hometown. Arrange some work for him here. He was just discharged from the hospital not long ago so don’t work him too hard. Try to let him learn all the things in the studio. I’ll let you make the arrangements.”

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