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As soon as they entered the apartment, Patrick pushed  zhou   keyu   against the wall. He stroked   keyu 's silky face with his slender fingers, and smiled gently, "Xiao Yan, you're so good-looking."

  keyu  reached out his hand, and grabbed hold of Patrick's already responding groin. His lips perked up slightly, "Mn, I can tell that you really like it."

Patrick lightly licked   keyu 's lips, and said in a low voice, "I like it, of course I like it." Holding the back of   keyu ’s head, Patrick intensified the kiss. His lips carefully sucked and devoured those pair of lips in every angle, and his tongue slipped into   keyu 's slightly parted lips, entwining with his tongue, skilfully teasing and ravaging his mouth.

Ever since Patrick discovered in his teens that he was gay, in these many years, he had been in two solid relationships. However, those relationships no longer had any traces in his heart. He had had several long-term sex-friends but he hadn't had many one-night stands. He wasn't someone who slept around. He only had healthy physiological needs. To him, a stable genuine relationship was a luxury good: something that could only be found by accident and not through seeking. Only a small handful could walk their lives together to the very end. Patrick also longed to meet a person who would be true to him. But before all that, being able to roll in the bed sheets with a person who he found pleasing to the eye, seemed to be a more feasible and realistic need.

  keyu  was quite young, having just turned twenty this year. Although he wasn't a pure and innocent boy, he hadn't had much sexual experience either. He couldn't quite hold up against with Patrick's aggressive and intense kissing technique. Their breathing became a bit heavy and rough, and their entangled mouths brought about a concentrated scent of lust.

  keyu  slipped his hand into Patrick's clothes, gently caressing Patrick's smooth and firm back. Patrick also slipped his hand into   keyu 's clothes. The two fondled and caressed each other. The passionate and heated atmosphere was on the verge of exploding.

  keyu  raised his neck, letting Patrick to lick and kiss his throat and collarbone. His hand continued to move down, and in the end he clasped Patrick around the waist, and flipped and pressed Patrick against the wall. His hand reached into Patrick's pants, kneading Patrick's firm and perky ass.

  keyu 's actions grew more aggressive and assertive. Blindly engrossed in the act, Patrick took a long time before he realised that something wasn't right. He suddenly woke up, and grabbed hold of   keyu 's finger which was about to enter that certain hole of his.

  keyu  was also pulled up short.

They both had realised what the problem was.

Patrick said awkwardly, "I'm a top."

  keyu  didn't speak. He looked at him, frowning. Anyone would be unhappy if they were forcibly interrupted after already progressing to this stage, especially an egotistical person like   keyu .

Their lust was immediately put out like they had been splashed with cold water. Being attracted to each other was a good thing, but finding out they were both tops, only one step before they jumped into bed, was honestly a bit of a mood-killer.

Patrick had nothing against being on the bottom, but he hadn't ever bottomed before. You can't just give someone a gun and expect them to go on a battlefield. No matter what, he still needed to temper and steel himself to let himself mentally accept it first. After looking at   keyu 's dark face again, he knew that there definitely wasn't going to be any action today.

Patrick was vexed and disappointed. A peerless beauty was right in front of him; they had kissed and touched birds, but were now stuck between the problem of who was on the top and bottom. At this point in time, even if he wanted to continue, he couldn’t lower his pride to do so.

Professional Body Double (KEYU X PATRICK) KEPAT CHUANG 2021Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang