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R18 - NSFW (this is weird )

After Patrick ate his full, he chatted while he helped peel crab for  Keyu. [1] He dipped the white tender crab meat into the clear yellow fragrant thick curry, and placed it in  Keyu's plate.

Keyu felt that this sort of action, which was clearly done kiss up to him, was very convenient. However, he had been waited upon his entire life, and didn't feel that it was anything inappropriate, fully enjoying Patrick's service with a clear conscience.

He could tell that Patrick really liked him. Patrick was one of the rare people that ZhouKeyu didn't want to kick away despite his exceptionally eager attentiveness towards him. This was because Patrick's attentiveness didn’t make him feel fed up or annoyed, but instead made him feel his passion and tenderness.

After they finished eating, Patrick made an excuse that he was going to bathroom, wanting to go pay the restaurant bill.

Keyu pointed to the direction of the window. "This room has a toilet."

"Oh, I want to go out to smoke on the way." This meal probably cost a lot of money. However, in the really least, Patrick thought, he had income, while ZhouKeyu had just graduated from university and probably hadn't found a job yet.

Patrick first went to the toilet and when he came back, he passed the front desk and told the employee at the cash out that he wanted to pay the restaurant bill.

The employee brought up their order and said after one look, "Sir, your table is signed, you don't need to pay the bill."

"What do you mean?"

"Our restaurant has a membership system. Your room is a room for members, you don't need to pay."

Patrick responded with an "Oh". Good, saved some money.

When Patrick returned to the room, ZhouKeyu was already standing and was planning walk out. Patrick pressed a hand on the door frame, and asked him with a smile, "Right now, it's only a bit past nine, how about we find a place to have a drink?"

Keyu shook his head. "Not interested."

"Then where do you wanna go?"

"Your place."

Patrick laughed aloud a few times and then lowered his voice and said flirtatiously, "How come you don’t look like you’re in as much of a hurry as you sound?"

Keyu replied, "I just don't like noisy places."

"Fine, let's go home. My house is quiet."

When Patrick went to get his car from the parking lot, ZhouKeyu rang the chauffeur to tell him to come over and drive his car back. He then left in Patrick's car.

Patrick's house was small and old, but for some reason ZhouKeyu really liked it. It was probably because it had that feeling of ‘home’ everywhere, and the smell of everyday life.

When they arrived at Patrick's home, Patrick took off his own jacket and threw it on the sofa. He then turned around to ask  Keyu, "You wash first, or should I wash first? Or..." He licked his lips, and smiled ambiguously, "Together?"

Keyu pinched his chin. "You wash first. After you're done, wait for me in bed."

Patrick laughed playfully. "No problem," he replied, and went to have a shower while humming a made-up tune. After he finished his shower, he also specially sprayed on a bit of cologne.

While ZhouKeyu was in the shower, Patrick took the opportunity to take out lubricant and condoms. He normally never used KY on himself. Patrick felt it was very miraculous, that there would actually be a day where a purely masculine guy like him would be a 0. Would it hurt? Oh screw it, if it wasn't pleasurable, there wouldn't be so many gay guys willing to be drilled by a man. This experience was going to be fresh and exciting for sure.

Professional Body Double (KEYU X PATRICK) KEPAT CHUANG 2021Where stories live. Discover now