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Patrick rested at home for two days. When he had work, he would be busy until the middle of the night; when he didn't have work, he didn't need to leave his house for a week.

The past two days, he sent ZhouKeyu two texts one after another. However, like stones sunk into the sea, he received no reply. Patrick was a bit disappointed. He guessed that even if he took the initiative to invite  Keyu, ZhouKeyu still wouldn't come.

To his surprise, one afternoon, ZhouKeyu actually rang him on his accord. Thrilled to bits, Patrick hurriedly answered the call. “Hello?”

“Hi, where are you?”

“I'm at home.”

“Come out for a meal with me.”

“Sure, where do wanna go? Should I go pick you up?”

“No need. Gongti [1]. I'll send you the address, just come straight over.” ZhouKeyu hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking.

Patrick quickly leapt from the sofa. He had a shower and shaved his beard in the fastest possible speed, tidying himself up. After that, he impatiently drove to Gongti.

When Patrick arrived at the Thai restaurant and entered the private room ZhouKeyu had reserved, he saw that ZhouKeyu was already sitting on the sofa. His legs were crossed, and his head was lowered, looking at the menu. His imposing manner was like he was reading a several hundred million yuan contract. The female waitress stood reverently and respectfully at his side, secretly sizing up his face, eyes filled with admiration.

As soon as Patrick came in, the two looked over. Patrick happily greeted  Keyu, “Sorry I’m late.”

“No problem, I just arrived too.” ZhouKeyu closed the menu. “We'll have these first.”

Patrick hastily said, “Don't order too much, I ate a little before I came.”

“You've eaten already?”

“I ate some snacks at home, so I'm not really hungry.”

“I haven't ordered that much.” ZhouKeyu passed the menu to the waitress. The waitress left, leaving the two of them alone in the large private room.

Patrick asked, “Judging from what I saw out there, this restaurant seems to have really good business, why are we using such a big room?” Even the cheapest room probably wouldn't be cheap. ZhouKeyu wasn't paying any attention to what Patrick was saying at all, and was instead staring at Patrick's lips with an odd expression in his eyes. Patrick spoke a bit more and noticed that ZhouKeyu had been staring at him the entire time. Sensing that the atmosphere in the room had changed, he cleared his throat, and said with a soft and silky voice, “How did you find the time to invite me out today? You didn't reply to any of the texts I sent you, I thought that you had already forgotten me.”

ZhouKeyu said indifferently, “Too lazy to reply.”  Keyu’s sort of arrogant and egoistic personality was actually really annoying——if that personality belonged to just an ordinary person that is. However, when it was ZhouKeyu acting this way, Patrick felt that his every expression was exceptionally enchanting, even that languid and apathetic attitude made his heart tickle.

ZhouKeyu cast a glance at him. Patrick wasn't concealing his fondness and thirst for him at all; though it was true that there was no reason to hide it. Among men, it was better to be more direct, just each taking what they need. Patrick inched closer and asked quietly, “So, did you forget me or not?”

Pinching Patrick's chin, ZhouKeyu lightly caressed Patrick's lips. “I might have just remembered you.”

A laugh escaped from Patrick's lips. “What perfect timing.” Patrick nipped and softly tugged at his lips. "I thought about you every day."

Professional Body Double (KEYU X PATRICK) KEPAT CHUANG 2021Where stories live. Discover now