Chapter Eight

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Cassie's Pov
Act like nothing ever is happening it should be totally easy, all I have to do is go on with my life and act like Jiwon didn't awaken the sexual activity I never knew were hiding dormant inside me. But ignoring him should be so easy.

All I do is sleep, eat scream at my laptop and electronics with my fangirling  complain and that's about it. So nothing should be making me this stress. if my mom was here she would be scolding the hell out of me, actually beating me with a belt for having the sexual thoughts.

I was half sleep my cave of solitude just enjoying my peace till I heard my phone going off. A loud groan left me my face buried into the sheets more just ignore it, telemarketers are getting bold calling me on my last days.

It was like fifteen minutes of my phone just going off till Yumma was shouting at me so loudly from the living room.

"Cassie! if you don't answer your damn phone." I let the most dramatic annoyed whine out snatching my phone up I answered it.

"It better be important- wait who the hell is this I don't have friends?"

"Wow, you even sound dumb when you answer the phone, come meet me at the sake house near your apartment."

For once in what that felt like months I was dressed semi decently. No sweats and a hoodie today. But entering the Sake house I totally forget there was one by my house, always gave me a little happiness since a mix of both cultures I grew up with my black side and Japanese side.

I shook my thoughts away speaking to the hostess. "Under the name Jiwon." I spoke grabbing my phone looking at the group chat I was in with both Chanwoo and Dong-Gyun they were really wild. They both were gonna need someone to handle it.

"Room 7 follow me." With a heavy sigh I followed her being lead to a table where Jiwon was casually scrolling on his phone before he looked up his heavy eyes staring at me.

"Hey." I greeted him sitting down across from him. "Hey you actually look nice, you look like death most the times I see you." I wasn't even gonna argue with him cause it was true.

"You just catch me on my worst days." I watched him smirk at me amused before he started ordering things. I didn't think I was gonna see him since that day at the cafe but maybe something was going on, maybe he was dying. I shouldn't have thought so negative.

I started snickering harshly my hands messing with my afro. "Alright I'll cut to the chase, you know about my slump." I nodded my head deeply.

"Yeah how you can't get it up." I laughed at the embarrassed face he made seeing he was red but scowling so harshly I would have died.

"Shut up." He hissed looking away embarrassed sighing roughly. "I really have no other choice I didn't want it to come down but it's because I have had sex lately." I choked on the water I was drinking finding this information so blunt for someone.

"How is that my fault? You tell sex stories all the time like you read fanfiction I'm sure you can find someone." I chuckled setting the water to the side.

"No Cassie like you don't even understand, I'm bi with a male lean but lately you! You make things." He sighed grumbling a little rolling his eyes.

"I could just get anyone but then they would learn I'm Alex and I don't need that shit." I stared at him just so confused. I wonder if all camboys and girls were like this.

"Alright? " I stated in confused state.

"That's why I think it's only natural that you help me." I once again stared at him drinking the rest of my water.

"I'm not helping you get laid when you have no problems with it Jiwon." I exclaimed feeling even more confused by his actions.

"You are so dumb and you aren't listening to me! have sex with me." Once the last sentence hit me at full swing my mouth dropped opened a little.

Sex....  Two people naked in the same place.

"Sex... Like the real thing." I exclaimed watching the waiter come back setting everything down.

"Like actually putting your dick inside me? Like full out just going at it." I gestured my cheeks felt warm and my embarrassment washed over me fully.

"Jiwon I don't know if you also have been listening to my rants like at all, but I've never had sex, hell I don't even masturbate I feel dirty after watching your streams. I'm a virgin all I've had was your fingers inside me why me? You also said you don't do it with virgins?" I questioned seeing he now looked a little embarrassed just letting  himself scoff.

"I've thought it over you are the best option, think about it not bad you'll be like the only person getting all close to me... Plus I get to pop your cherry." I smacked my face so harshly hearing him just so casually like that.

"Just think of it like this, that's all it is sex, no falling in love with me, I don't do relationships or tie down, and you don't need to think you are special just sex partners what's the term?" I kept rubbing at my face deeply.

"Fuck buddies, friends with benefits." I muttered still rubbing at my face roughly. But I watched him pouring two shot glasses of sake.

"Drink and I know you accept or don't drink and I can find someone else." I sat there for a couple minutes before I grabbed the little black cup and tipped it back drinking it all in one harsh go.

Then watching Jiwon look surprised before he was slowly drinking his as well, both of us leaning forward to click our drinks together. He let a side smile grow on his face.

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