First Performances + Squad Intro

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Author's Note: Just letting you all know early that I was not able to cover all 16 performances in this chapter. Don't worry though, as that will be covered in the next chapter! In fact, I'm working on the next chapter as you are reading this. One last thing; just like the real show, I want you guys to try to guess who the other competitors are. Most of them will be references, but I will admit that only 1 of the 15 are actually a part of the current story. You might even meet them in this chapter ;)

Lincoln woke up at 7:00 a.m, sharp. You may have thought that he woke up like any other Monday, but he didn't. His mind flooded with the events from the day before, from his date with Girl Jordan, to the opportunity he was given. The boy's first thought was even, Today's the day. Lincoln smiled, and looked towards the reader.

"Hey, everyone! I'm sure you all know exactly why I'm feeling so good today! *Whispering* not only did I have a great date with Girl Jordan, but I got such a huge opportunity! *Stops whispering* Sorry about that. I just don't want anyone to hear me, even though it is still early for everyone."

Lincoln walked out of his room, and straight to the bathroom. At least there's no line for me, the boy thought. He used the bathroom, like always, and washed his hands and brushed his teeth. Lincoln looked at himself in the mirror, feeling confident. A smile slowly crept up his face. Now, time for breakfast, he thought.

The 6th grader quickly went downstairs, until he heard someone in the kitchen. Lincoln went towards the person, quietly. As he got closer, he realized who it was.

"Dad?" Lynn Sr. turned around, confirming the answer to his question.

"Yupp, it's just me. So, what are you doing up this early?" The patriarch asked.

Lincoln thought before answering. As much as I want to tell Dad about everything, I just can't. I can tell him about Girl Jordan eventually, but not about the show. "Just feeling good today..I guess."

"That's great to hear, son! Hey, so now that you're here, you want to help me with making breakfast?" Lynn Sr. asked.

"Yeah, sure. You'll be spending a lot of time at the restaurant anyway, and it's not easy to feed 11 mouths." Lincoln replied.

Lynn smiled. "I'm glad you understand, son. Now, you do the eggs and I'll do the pancakes." There wasn't any sound made in Lincoln's response, just him nodding.

Later, all the rest of the sisters woke up. They all went to do their morning routine, mostly waiting in line for the bathroom. One sister, however, decided to skip waiting in line. It was Luna, and she decided to go downstairs first.

There, the rocker was met with an amazing smell. Mmm, it smells good down here. Her thoughts were made even more real, with the sight of 11 plates. Each plate had a stack of three pancakes, with eggs all prepared in the way each sister enjoyed.

Suddenly, a hand came and placed a 12th plate. It was Lincoln, who smiled to himself. He looked up, and saw Luna in front of him.

"Oh, morning Luna."

"Mornin' bro. You made breakfast?"

"No, dad and I did. He prepared the pancakes, while I dealt with the eggs. I even made them all in the way you guys like, from Luan's funny side up to the twins' deviled eggs."

Luna didn't speak at first, but walked up to her brother to give him a hug. This hug was quickly returned by Lincoln, who felt appreciated with it.

"Thanks bro, you know us too well."

Lincoln gave a little blush. "Well, it's not too hard in a family like ours."

"You're not wrong. I'll be headed upstairs now, the line will be gone by now." Luna says, before walking up the stairs.

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