CHAPTER 9 (The Wrestling)

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"I will be your prince" Alec said his idea out loud "you have to be kidding me" Magnus said giggling but he stoped when he saw Alec serious face "gosh you are serious??" Magnus asked shock with a deep red blush on his face "yeah! Look it will be good for both of us" "yeah?? And how so?" "well if i will be the prince you choosed so think about it your father wouldnt get in your nerves anymore to find a love and for me it will be great because i wont go back with my father to his jail palace please Magnus you dont need to love me here it is just pretending please Magnus" Alec was bagging he really wanted to stay with his familly and all the people he loved "ok i agree" Magnus said but in his head he didnt knew why but he felt amazing like this is going to will be an amazing adventure "well i hope you know how to dance Alexander becouse we are going to bring them a big show at the dance floor there come on" they bouth went out from the room and went to the hall room that all the guests was looked at Magnus entered to the room "well i wanted to say i choosed. I choosed the perfect amazing beautifull prince on earth" Magnus said and all the guests was looked at Magnus corius who the greatest prince of all choosed "well who is this princes or the prince you choosed?" Asmodeus asked actully very corius too "Alexander can you come here please?!" Magnus asked gently that Alec thought to himself 'god his acting skills are perfect!!' he thought and came to the big stage that Magnus was standing on her helping Alec to get on her too they looked at each other smiling that they did it they are going to be free but then they looked at all the guests in the hall and all the faces looked shoked Alecs father looked like he want to kill someone and all the rest of the princess looked very jealous as well "ok Magnus get down from stage to the middle of the dance floor and do your dance prince. Love you son, good luck" Asmodeus said with a happy tears because he really liked Alec as a son and now Magnus said he choosed him this is really amazing now Alec and Magnus went down from the stage hand in hand, even if that they both had felt like theirs heart would going to jump out from theirs chests they had continued the "acting" as a couple "okay, now put yours hand around my hips" Magnus commended When he hang his own hands around Alec's neck and slowly they had started with dancing peacefully to this sweet boring music, "by the way Magnus I have to admit something about earlier at the stage, god I almost had believe everything you had said myself,how you said and described how perfect amazing and the beautifulest prince on earth, okay there I thought it was a bit too much of pretending but let's say that if any of that was true I would have actually believe you meant it" Alec said weakly that somehow made Magnus furious "What the fuck are you talking about, you Are a beautiful handsome amazing man how can you even think that less on yourself?!" Magnus was furious that only now had realized what he had just confessed that all sudden his cheeks had changed colors but he wasn't the only one with the mixed rose colors "y.. You really mean that?!", Alec asked with blush "wait" he suddenly said after looking at Magnus few more minutes "what?," Magnus asked confused "is this is a part of our acting?" He asked as he realized that inside his heart he wished it was real but of course he wanted to hear Magnus to say that, "you can think whatever you want my pretty prince" Magnus said wink with smirk on his face,

"Gosh Magnus, did all the music here is that boring?" Alec asked annoyed from the boring silent music "ahmm no, i will ask them to play somtehing more jumply what do you say?!" Magnus said a little jumping and moved his hands at funny way "what do i said?? Go ask them already befor i will fall asleep here at standing" Alec said and Magnus couldnt held himself and lughed so hard that this make Alec blushed and stare at him 'gosh this beautiful lugh, i dont think i ever heared him lughing like that befor damnn Magnus what are you doing to me?!' "ok ok i will go to tell the band to play something more jumply" Magnus said still helf lughing when he went to tell the band to play something more intresting but at the same time when Magnus gone and talked to the band

Alec suddenlly felt two hands on his shoulder from behind, Ohh and he knew very well thouse scary hands "well well you did such a greate work there, you actully made Magnus choose you. Now i guess it will be easier for me to control on this kingdom. Well done my boy"

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