CHAPTER 10 (Feelings)

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Alec was under the water now in the bath and was thinking about what is going to be for today. He was so excited becouse the Bans familly ha needed to come, becouse the ball partty that they making for Marys that she is back to be The legal queen. It has been already two months since they came back home and Marys was the legal queen again. And the Bans are suppose to come today at 6pm, Alec was so nervous that he is going to see Magnus again after all this time, it had been already two months since they left and returened back home. But still it was really hard for him he really missed Magnus so so much and was kept imagining theirs first kisses after the ball it was the happiest moment  in his life untill now. Alec finished the shower and prepared his clothes at what he will wearing he wanted to impressed Magnus as much as he could. "Izzy, can you come here for a sec?" Alec shouted to her he really wanted someone who understand at fashion and all that "yes Alec what is the problem?" Izzy asked and entered to the room "i need an advice, what to wear" Izzy raised an eyebrow but didn't asked "well this is looks good doesn't it?, we just bought it yesterday remember?! It will be perfect!" "yes great thank you Izzy you are the best sister ever!!" he said kissing her forhead "no problem bro" she said half laughing and went out from his room. At more one hour the Bans are supposed to lend and Alec couldn't wait anymore he was dressed up now and was tried to fix his messy hair but unlucky his hair came back to the shape it was before but still it looked good and he looked much more handsome then ever

It was finally 6 pm the moment that Alec had waited over two months. Maryes Izzy Jace also Max they were all excited so they will finally would see Asmodeus and Magnus and Luke that Marys had really liked, they were even excited to see the bodyguards too,
Finally the helicopter had started landing and at that time Alec was trying to fix his hair again he couldn't hide his excitement as well he wanted to see Magnus again and kiss him and tell him he missed him and all kind of The helicopter were finally on the ground and the people  who was there had started go out from this helicopter door,  at first it was of course a few bodyguards and then there was Asmodeus and after him there was Luke, Alec was so patient and excited and nervous, he knew exactly how much Magnus had loved making a dramatic entering, but come on he started get his excitement lower and lower as he kept seeing he isn't went out from the helicopter yet, okay, there must be one more person there it must be him because the count of people there must be only one more person, finally everyone looked to the helicopter door waiting for the dramatic entering Alec was super excited he could feel butterflies in his stomach that was making him more nervous now he might finally see him again But to his and everyone surprise, there was no Mag us, there was a girl who went out, Izzy best friend and Jace girlfriend, "OMG Claryyyy" Jace and Isabel screamed together and went running to hug her and help her with her suitcases and with the stairs (because of her hills) at that second the correct girl went out from the helicopter door Alec jaw had droped, he was so disappointed and felt like something in his chest hurting him it wasn't him it wasn't Magnus at the helicopter, it was this ginger girl, why.. Why, he wanted an answer and he will get one, so he went to Asmodeus direction that were at that moment talked with Maryes but when he had arrived to them his mother had asked exactly what he had wanted to know- "where is Magnus by the way, I haven't seen him arrived" "oh yes, he didnt came" "aw, I actually though he would like to come here and see our beautiful kingdom and his old family friends again, why haven't he come" Maryes asked and Alec were listen curiously, as Asmodeus gaved him a small glance and took a small breath and explain simply "oh Magnus, this trouble kid had grown up, he said he will keeping the castle now until we would arrive back, and he also said that he prefer to stay at home then seeing everyone again and then miss them again after leaving, he said it was too painful to say this goodbye and he doesn't want to feel this pain again" Asmodeus said and for some reason he was looking at Alec when he said that line, "so this is why he let Clary come with us, because Jace Isabel and Max know her very well as I understand" he said with smile and Maryes looked at him with understandment but Alec at this explanation felt like there is something blocking his breath and felt pain at his chest again he couldn't understand yet why he felt like that like all he wanted to do now was to be in his bad and cry "excuse me" he said quietly and left them behind feeling like at any second the tears would be betray him and fall but for his luck he had arrived at time or that what he had though so he felt like he had to do something about this situation, he went to his closet and took his suitcase from there starting dropping every closes in there without even caring, "Alec" he suddenly heard his sister calling his name, he wiped his tears fast before she would see, "Alec wait" she entered into his room, looking at him then at the suitcase "Alec, what.. What are you doing?" she said a bit panic as she seen his big brother like that, "what dose it look like I'm doing?" He shouted with pain "wh.. Why are you packing Alec?" she was so confused she didn't knew what going on with him "Because.. Because.. Oh god.." He was broke and holded his face with both of his hands to hide his tears and  after breathing a little he had walked at circles "hi, look at me Alec," its. I.. I just god I.. I can't I can't Izzy" he felt like breaking and fell down on his bed were Izzy had just sited a sec before him "hi Alec, it's okay relax tell me what going on and I will help you okay?!" She said calmly that somehow helped a bit Also touching and massaging his shoulders were doing the job, "now tell me, what did you ment when you said you can't?" Alec raised his head a bit looking at his little sister with teary eyes It.. It is just that I.. I really wanna see him Izzy, I miss him too much, I waited for two months to see him that this time Alon was torture and I just can't I can't.." You can't what Alec?" She asked loudly as she notice he had stop talking from some reason "Alec" she shouted a little as waking him up from his own trance "Izz, I just now realized it, I can't live without him, I.. I need him so badly Izzy I really need him" he said it out of breath that he didnt fighted with his tears anymore and let them fall down his fave Izzy was confused a bit when she saw him speaking to himself but Alec just kept crying from the understanding situation he was, all this time all thous feeling he only now realized what they meant, it was clearly obvious for him now, and he knew one thing for sure, he have to fly away to Magnus and tell him- tell him tell him everything he feels for him, After all this long wired talk Izzy seemed to be relize what going on she made a one plos one in her head and had decided to help her brother here, and for the beginning she had started to take out the clothes from Alec suitcase "Izzy, what are you doing?, i just told you how much i need to go and see him again you can't to not let me go you have to help me and not to unpack my stuff now!" Alec said disappointed a little from his sister "dont worry Alec! I just unpacking yours stuff only becouse you pecked yours old clothes you need clothes that looks good to impress him" she finished to say and went to his clothet to pick Alec's new clothes "aww ok sorry. Thank you Izz you are the best!" he said with an apologize grin "what is that?" Izzy asked when she took out a weird looking shirt from his suitcase "what the problem?, this is my pajama shirt what's wrong with it?!'' "yours pajama shirt?" she asked with weird face "ah ha.. You are not going to weare that thing espacatlly not aroung the one you like!, here take this shirt this is new," she said. They bouth Alec and Izzy were continue to preparing Alec suitcase when Marys had suddenly came "Alec sweety are you here?" she asked knocking on the door "oh no , Mom" Izzy and Alec was switching looks about what to do now, but it was too late Marys was already opened the door.
"Alec sweety what is goi.. Oh Izzy you are here too" she said when she entered to the room but then noticed to the suitcase "dose anyone of you is going to explain me what is going on? Or why are you two packing Alec stuff like he is going somewhere" "well.. ahm.. Yeah i.." Izzy didnt knew what to say but Alec was stoping her "it's ok i will tell her" he said smilling to his sister "i'm taking a flight to Magnus! I.. I miss him and.. I.. I just l.." "Alec sweety it's ok i understand you that you miss him but sweety you can flight to him after the party right?!" "no Mom! I.. I disparate i just miss him too much and now that i realized that i'm in love with him it drives me crazy" Alec said begging to his mother "wait wait wait, did you just said that you had really fallen in love with Magnus??" Marys asked a bit too excited "yes mom exactlly!! And i feel like all my feelings are going to explode at some point" he said  "Okay, okay sweetheart i underdtand, i know how is it to wait for someone im at myself were missed Luck so much after two month see him again is wonderfull feeling, espacillay when he said je is going to stay" she said with excitment "So what i ment to say is that i let you go you over 18 years old you are a grow man and you know what you doing and what is best for you, also we had already celebrate as familly a few weeks ago remember, only the small family, so its okay darling this ball party is just to make it official so yes son you might go now," she said with understaning soft smile that at that moment she just made Alec admire her even more and jumped to her in a hugg And three of them couldnt hold the relif of gigling, After few hours of preparing everything in the suitcase and all he was finally ready to go he said his goodbye of course to everyone from his small family, and Maryes had orders him theirs loyalty limousine only for him to get as fast as he could to the airport, after like an hour of riding fool of thughts and memories he finally was on the way to the plan he was finally going to the love of his life he just wanted to arived to Asmodeus castle just to tell Magnus all of his feelings also on the plan he suddenly felt how his stomach had started to moving and he was pretty sure it wasn't because of hunger, it was because he was super nervous of Magnus reaction he also didnt told him he was coming all he could think about was how would he tell him, would he accept his love? Would he hate him now ? He couldn't know maybe he would tell him they can be only friends but he couldn't stop from himself to be true to himself and to expresshis feelings for the one he love's, at the moment the Attendant was saying that they are about to land he was super excited and nervous, it was already 21:30pm he went out from the plan and of course looking for his suitcase, after a while he was finally out from the air port stopping a cab (he hasn't ordered a limousine because he didn't wanted a lot of attention now) His excitement started to grow with every kilometer closer to the castle "are you that this is the place you need to arrive to?" The driver suddenly asked it wasn't ordinary for him to get a passenger to the loyalty castle "yes, I'm sure sir" Alec said with grim on his face as they had arived to the Banes castle he had paid gratefully to the driver and took his suitcase and his stuff from the garage 
 After taking everything from the cob he was standing few moments looking outside of the castle after that he went to the big gate but there was two guards standing on guard there and stopped him at second he tried go in "hi wow guys what is wrong don't you two know who am I?" He asked them, "ohhh come on I need to see the prince NOWWW!!!" He was Impatient now and was little shouted on thos guards but then he looked at them apparently they were new guards that why they aren't recognized him "you two are new aren't you?" He suddenly asked as the both of the guards looking at him suspiciously "we can't let anyone in without the prince permission" they kept to insist "uhggg god it night already. God you know what, call Ragnus the prince from Maledova or Raphael one of the greates servant here or call them bouth,  they bouth know me very very well, actually everyone here know me very well but never mind" now bouth of the guards looked surprised on him maybe this boy isn't lying to them if he really known Ragnor or Raphael he might be someone important "You know what" Alec said desperate "i see that you two are still sceptical about me so that what we will be do, one of you would stay here with me keep an eye on me and the other one would call Raphael or Ragnor or someone I don't care" the guards looked at each other then one of them said "Okay I will wait here and Roger will take you with him,  if you are a thif or something you will be a prisoner here you understand?!" He finished saying "okay ok whatever, do whatever you need I guess it is yours duty to check me out so let's go then" he said with little lovely smile on his face now as he realizes that in a few moments he would be inside of the castle and see the one he was eager to see so long, 
As they were almost at the front door they saw Ragnor from far he was explaining something to Raphael there, they heard someon getting closer to them so they turned and finally they saw Alec standing there  with the bodyguard they looked shocked at him and shouted to let him in Immediately  and they were running towards him "prince Alec what are you doing here?" Raphael asked Immediately that made the guards looked at each other shock that situation made Alec smile a bit it was quite funny he must say, they knew they had been screwed
"Okay you two, you can go back to yours position" Ragnor said as he leading Alec inside the castle "Maya" Raphael shouted "yes what is it?" She asked running toward him "OMG Aleccccc" she shouted running even faster then jumping on him hugging him tight "hello to you too Maya, it great to see you too again" he said hugging her back of course but they let go after few second "Maya, can you take Alec and his stuff to his room please?" Ragnur asked, she was about to answer but Alec had interrupted her a second before she had opened her mouth "no no no wait, It isn't necessary, I actually need to see Magnus first so if you don't mind.." He hinted them to help him with his stuff and go with him to Magnus room, but that didnt helped much Ragnor Raphael and Maya had switched looks until Alec spoke again "is there something wrong?" He was concern for a moment "no no not at all" Ragnor said and became quiet for some second making suspicious faces and than couldn't hold it anymore "okay there is a problem" he said at one breath "small one don't worry there is nothing to worry about" he said calming Alec "it is just that... Ahmm" he cleared his throat, "the prince is sleeping" Raphael finished him couldn't suffer this anymore this mumbeling "ohh that it? I was afraid something really bad is happenning thank God, so I going to his room then if you guys don't mind" he said starting tourn away "oh wait wait wait what..." Maya stopped him grabbing his arm "Have you lost yours mind? She asked in shock "I guess, there is another problem you all call problem?" He asked cynically   "uhggg god okay you know what, go, wake him up just don't let any of us be around when he would wake or we all be doomed" she shouted pissed "oh god how could I forgat about that, he is annoyed when someone waking him up he can kill someone with one glare" he said "but don't worry about me, I don't think that he would be that much piss on me, right" he asked with cracking ton "maybe, we dont know" they said doesn't help him even a bit here and left him alone after taking his stuff to the room they know he liked, after Alec arrive at Magnus bedroom door he was hesitate at first and started to think of ways how to wake Magnus up He was thinking of the way he woke him up before when he had shouted to him 'good morning sunshine' he then thought he should do that again, but his plan had changed at the second he had opened Magnus bedroom his excitement too see him again was all he needed, after closing the door behind him he had slowly walked quietly towards Magnus bed and couldn't stop his smile from grow at the second he saw thous soft beautiful face again he watched him like that at how peaceful he looked when he was asleep, after long time of watching his love his legs started to betray him and cracked to the floor, so he had sited on the side of Magnus pillow floor and kept watching him even closer that made Alec feels butterflies in his stomach he had leaned his hands crossed closer to Magnus pillow and slowly he felt how his head started to get heavy and slowly falling in his own arms only now he realized how much tired and exhausted he was and without even realize he was suddenly asleep in a second on Magnus side bed floor,

Note: Hi everyone sorry for dilay hope you all liked it, keep a comment if you want me to continued ,🤠

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