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When Alec was kneeling to help Magnus to get up the food and the tray from the floor, they bouth didnt expect that to happen, Alec's towel was suddenlly slips down from his waist to the floor and it left Alec and Magnus with shock and a burning red flush faces. Magnus really tried not to look but he couldn't stop starring espacatlly when that he felt hungry too "oh gosh.. This is so awkward" Alec whispered to himself but then noticed that Magnus is staring and a small smirk came to his face "Ma.. Magnus can you maybe stop staring at my dick like it is a meat food that you want to eat, and instead bring me my towel from the floor?" Alec said trying not to freak out that Magnus just saw him fully nacked 'not that i complain that he is starring but i guess it is not as i accepted that he will see me full nacked like that for the first time' "gosh i.. I'm so so sorry" Magnus said imeddetlly and covered his eyes with his one hand and with the other one he grabbed the towel from the floor and held it out to Alec but beacouse he couldn't see anything and was too close to Alec he accidentally raised his hand toword Alec too close that he felt that his hand touching at Alec skin and felt like his cheeks are red like Burned meat he was scared to know at what he even touched but his thoughts were interupt by a small softy muan that came from Alec's mouth. He felt like all his body tensed when he heared this sound from Alec mouth and felt like if he wont left the room right now he will end up doing things to Alec that only in his dreams he dared to think of! 'Gosh at what did i just touched?!' he asked himself in his head, "oh gosh Alexander i.. I'm so so.. So..sorry," Magnus said when Alec was blocking his mouth now with bouth of his hands to not let out another awkward muan "i.. I will go now when you in the meantime get dressed and i will wait from out side behind the door" Magnus said with his hand still half on his eyes with a tomatoes red cheeks he left running from the room.

When Magnus finally had left the room Alec removed his hands that was covering his mouth at when he was tried to block his moan and finally could breath again, "oh god Magnus.. He.. He was litterly touching my balls there, god even in my dreams i had never thought that something hot and awkward like that might happen" Alec had whispered to himself freaking out from the hotness in the air "gosh i had just took a bath now and feel like i need shower again" he said keep talking to himself as walking to Magnus wardrobe to look for something to wear.

In meantime with Magnus:

"Oh Gosh Magnus ahh whooo haa, just control at yourself Ahh focus Magnus focus hu ahh" Magnus said to himself all breathless behind his door room pacing back and forth around his room trying to relaxing breathing in and out but didn't noticed that Raphael is watching him from the second he went out from his room enjoying from the weird show infront of him of 'The prince Magnus so nervous' it was like his second time this day that he see this happening to him but then he just interrupted to Magnus thoughts "Ahmmm," Raphael cleared his throat to show Magnus his attention "Raphael" Magnus raised his had and looked sourprised at him "how long are you watching me pacing here" Magnus asked little awkwardly "ahmm" Raphael pretend like he was thinking with his eyes up and tuching his cheen and then looked back to Magnus "well i'm here since the second that you went out from yours room all panicked" Raphael answered with smirk on his face with one eyebrow up and actully enjoying to see the prince like that so nervous somehow. "So did you two eat?" Raphael asked in the end when his memories went back to when Magnus took the food with him, "n.. No, and i... I dont think that i'm hungry anymore" Magnus said but after like a minute of awkwardness that Magnus and Raphael weren't talking the door of the room were suddenly opened and only Alec's head peeps at them "ahmm Magnus sorry to interupt but," he then noticed to Raphael "oh hi Raphael" he said and opened the door completely now "i though you already get dressed why are you still with the towel on you?" "well," Alec said when he saw Magnus red cheeks "i.. I just thought that maybe you will help me choose somthing beacouse.. Ahmm, well I'm preaty tall and all that so i dont know what will fit me" Alec kept saying awkwardly, "ok i will help you Raphael you coming with me!" Magnus said grabbing Raphael with him he didnt wanted any embarrassing situations like what happened early and Raphael looks like he want someone to just save him 'fuck what i got myself in to?!'

Not: i really hope u guys liked tell me if u like for more.. 😉

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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