CHAPTER 11 (the accident)

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It had passed a few hours until Magnus had finally decided to wake up. It happened when he suddenly felt and heard small sweet breaths beside him 'Oh Alexander please stop to get in to my dreams again' Magnus talked to himself dreaming and imagining that Alec was sleeping beside him again. But when he felt A small breath tickling on his ear he was definitely awake, it can't be a dream he definitely felt it this time. He looked beside him and saw him he saw his precious sweet beautiful boy he looked at him and looked at him again and mumbled to himself "ok Magnus you should really wake up now!" he said to himself not believing at what he is seeing he kept staring at sleeping Alec and slowly had removed a little straight of hair that was falling on Alec forehead that was covered a little on his eyes so Magnus was removed it gently and then was realized that he is smiling like an idiot "please someone just punch me or anything to wake me up" Magnus mumble to himself again "Aouch'' Magnus almost shouted when he punched himself and realized it isn't a dream "gosh Alexander, what are you doing here?!" Magnus still couldn't believe at what his eyes see and was line his hand on Alec cheek and started stroking it with his thumb "why??, why did you came Alexander?" Magnus kept talking to himself and to sleeping Alec "i can't believe that you are here! Gosh Alec I'm so mad!! I didn't came to the ball only because i knew how difficult it would be if i will see you again! And now you are here in the floor beside my bed and.. Wait what?!," Magnus just now noticed that Alec was with his knees on the floor and only his sweet beautiful face on the bed "Oh Alexander" Magnus looked at him and all he wanted to do was to hugg him tight to his chest but of course he couldn't! Not now anyway! Magnus was getting down from his bed and was trying to held Alec in his legs Magnus was tried so hard to put Alec on the bed but in the end he found himself breathless beside Alec's sleeping body after a few minutes of resting he was tried again but without any succeed but after one more time it seems like Alec body was getting the hint and Alec with his eyes still closed had climbed on the bed by himself and continued with his cutest little small snores Magnus were staring at the air in shock from the situazion infront of him "Damn Alexander I still mad at you even if you look too much cute right now" Magnus kept talking to himself as he lied down besides Alec now, "how could you do this to me why did you come here hu?! Why on earth do you think I didn't came to you?!" He kept complaining like that for more.. "You realize now that you are in trouble right?! Because now that you are here, just know that I won't going to let you go now that easily!" Magnus said comandly "fine by me" he suddenly heard Alec saying, "Alex.. Alexander wha.. What.. Are you awake? God what did you heard me saying? Omg did you did heard me? If you did tell me what" Magnus were panicking "hi wow relax you have nothing to panicking about," Magnus then took a deep breath and said with relief "oh good then it's mean.." "I heard everything, don't be mistaken" Alec said with a gleer "wait what but you said to not panic" "wait are you a talk sleeper?! Cause your eye are definitely closed, what the fuck" " no Magnus its just I'm too tired and sleepy to open my eyes right now even though I definitely want to see the pretty face of yours" Alec said sleepily But then without any warning Alec had grabbed on Magnus pajamaz shirt and hugged him pretty tight "Ahmmm I missed this warm seductive smell ohh I missed you so much Magnus" Alec said cuddling his head in to Magnus chest "ahmm I finally in my heaven" he said thous last words almost falling asleep as Magnus face turning totally Red from all the compliment from Alexander mouth as Alec keep hugging him tight and of course he couldn't refuse the hugg and hugged his love back and felt like he still in his magical sweetest dream "sweet dreams Alexander.." As a small sweet snor escaped from Alec mouth he smiled to himself at how cute Alec was sleeping,

As much as Magnus wanted to stay like that forever in Alec chest embrace his stomach had decided to betrayed him and started to make noises that told him how hungry he was! He slowly pushed Alec arm from hugging him and Went צף out quietly from his bed, he put some normal clothes on himself and left the room searching after Ragnor or Raphael, but when he did it he suddenly bumped into Maia "Ahh.. gosh Maia" "aww sorry Magnus," she said little giggling "this isn't funny Maia i could actually break something" Magnus said all dramatic again "ok stop being so dramatic! What do you want? Why aren't you sleeping? Did Alec really did it? Did he really woke you up in the end?" "No, he didn't woke me up! I woke up by myself and then i saw him, Ahh" he said now with his cheeks started to get a flush of red on them when he remembered at how cute Alec was when he fallen asleep on his bed "well this will be explaining why i didn't heared any yelling" she said quietly to herself but they both were interrupted by a weird sounds that came out from Magnus stomach and then looked at each other "gosh i'm sturving" Magnus said stroking on his stomach "yeah, i can hear that" Maia said half lughing "lets go to the kitchen maybe there will be somthing that you wanna eat" "yeah, i gusse that this is a great idea" Magnus said like he really need the food righ now! Magnus and Maia were finally at the kitchen "oh Catarina what a great smell! What is this? What have you cooked here i'm sturving'' Magnus said whined "aww i just made launch with steak meat here and there is a wine for Alec too i just know that Alec really love meat so i made for bouth of you" "Catarina you are the best" Magnus jumped from happiness, "easy easy there boy relax" Ragnor entered to the kitchen now relaxing Magnus when Raphael were coming after him "now, if you want to be a little romantic for the prince Alec, you will take this tray and put on it two plates with the steaks. And on the side put there two glasses of glass, that will go well with the wine" Ragnor said with a wink, "ok, i will do it!" Magnus said all nervous

"but I really need to eat something. I'm starving and I don't want to look like an hungry crazy animal when I will eat with him" Magnus said as he was stilling a pice of his favorite blueberry pie as the other are helping him to organize everything on the tray for them.

At the mean time at magnus room Alec had finally decided to wake up as opening slowly his eyes as he found out his beloving prince isn't besides him anymore, he got up from the bed and smelled himself he wasn't sweaty but he decided taking a shower anyway, he took magnus bath towel and went in to the bathroom as he lifting behind him a trail of his clothes his pants short and his boxers.. he entered to the tub and the water had just flew on him "oh finally bath it feels amazing" he suddenly understood he had talked to himself he had just wished magnus was with him right now, but of course it only at his imaginations he then noticed Magnus shampoo he wanted to smell magnus on him so he decided using it and also it was the only shampoo that was there cause it was magnus favorite so he used it but he was super disappointed it didn't smelled as it was on magnus, he finished his
shower after what felt eternity,

Few second before Alec went out from shower- Magnus had entered into his room with the try of food his friend had arranged he haven't saw any sight of Alec, he then looked at the floor to the clothes trail, "is that Alec boxers" he questioned himself quietly 'is he trying to kill me or something' he though it now as it was too late for his dirty mind to be active as he turned around as he bumped into Alec's chest catching himself staring at Alec's nacked body with only his own towel around his waist as water drops at Alec's chest Magnus had feared that in a moment he would accidently start drooling at how hot Alec looked now but unfortunately there was enother accident, Magnus hands had decided to betrayed him as he holded the tray
and everything had fallen, Magnus had tried to save something from it as he tried grabbing everything to his hand but then he fell to the ground and grabbed at Alec towel That accidentally had fallen and Magnus found himself with his face exactly where the towel was the towel that wasn't there anymore at that moment the towel slept from Alec waist they both felted the heat on theirs cheeks as they both staring at the towel on the floor with shock.

Hi, sorry for late with the chapter I hope u all liked it also I would like to some feedback 🤩🙈

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