CHAPTER 6 (scars/spy )

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"Alexanderrrr why arent you coming when i call you?!" Magnus shouted and enter to Alec's room now exactlly at the same time Alec went out from the shower "yeah yeah i heared i just was in the shower and i really dont like to go half nackad in the corridor of the palace now can you please stop staring at my body and let me finish drassing at last tourn around i dont like that people see my body" Alec said but the tru is was that he didnt wanted Magnus to see the Wounds on his bac and his purple and brown marks he was lucky that at last his father didnt hit him infront of his body "ok dress up but i'm waiting here and ok ok i will tourn around" Magnus said but in the sec he felt that Alec tourned too he couldnt stop his tempted to see all this body boy but then when he saw the marks on Alec's bac his eyes get wied and now understand why Alec toled him to tourn around 'and i thought i already know all the story i guss there is more then i thought. Gosh my poor boy i wish i could kiss every spot on thous wounds, wait what?? Kiss??, come on Magnus what is wrong with you this super hot body cant control on you you understand?!' Magnus kept complaining to himself in his head but then he jumped up when Alec tuched his shulder "hello i'm talking to you already five minutes. are you ok?" Magnus looked in to Alec eyes now he didnt knew what is this feeling but surly knew that is new for him this boy cant stop to confused him and now only from just a small tuoch he felt shivers at all over his body 'damnn Magnus get over yourself' "ahmm sorry i think i just fell asleep in standing when i actully waited for you here come on we are going to shoping" "to shoping??, i thought that there is someone spical that he sew your clothes" "are you trying to be sassy now?, again??" Magnus asked defended "maybe" Alec said smirking "dose it work?" Alec asked with a bright smile that Magnus never saw befor that this smile made him speachles and was stammered "s..shot up.." Magnus said defited that Alec smile gut wider "ok lets go now and stop yours stuped gams already" Magnus said when he went out from Alec room and Alec behind him.
"I Have no idea what are you talking about" Alec said laughing a little as he were Walking after Magnus,
Magnus and Alec were finally arived to the bigest mall in the city they went to the bigest cloth shop that Magnus liked and a three of the bodyguards was there with them but one of them alwaze looked at Alec and Alec felt like he know this guy but he couldnt remember from where. Magnus continued to measure the clothes from the shop "come on Alec you need to help me chousing why do you think you came with me?" "aww yes well sure amm i think that maybe you should try this one" he pointed on a fancy black pants with an amazing black short with it with flower on it like sparking at it Magnus was sourprised again from Alec he even didnt knew wher he find it but was very pleased for that he went into the Cell measurements to see how the garment would look at him. And he was so pleased when he went out to see what he looked like in the mirror. "Woww this looks so damnn good!! Well, what do you said Alexander dose it looks good at me?!" Magnus asked but Alec didnt answer him so he looked at Alec now he saw he was starring at him and even 'what, he is even blushing a little is he ok?!' Magnus was confused he never saw Alec like that and why he is staring at him like that?! "Hello Alexander are you listen to me?" Magnus asked giggled a little Waving his hand infront of Alec face that make Alec zoomed out from starring and he blushed even harder now "aww sorry did you asked something?" "yeah i asked you how do i look but you did this wired face of you and.. Oh gosh what are you doing live my arm alone" Alec was now took Magnus away from the place they stood now and he took him to one of the Cell measurements it was a little too small for two guys but it hide them well "Alexander what the fuck?!" Magnus tried to ask but Alec immedetlly shoushed him with his finger on his lips "Please be quiet" Alec whispered pleaded and Magnus got softer now and looked at Alec scared eyes and listened to his whispered "gosh no it cant be they couldnt find me righ?! no.. Goshh i'm so scrouled" he kept talking to himself silently "Alexander what are you talking about what is going on?!"

Alec now looked at Magnus eyes and swallwed, "Ghod I knew I knew that this bodyguard were familiar to me, but only now I had remembered from where, this bodyguard is here as a spy, we have to go back and worn yours father now!" "Wait Alexander, you do know that you can tell me too on what is going on right?!" "No Magnus I'm sorry, we can tell this only to yours dad, he is the only one who would understand and believe me, now, come on we have to try find a way to passing the others bodyguards, come on Magnus, what are you waiting for?! Yours father is the only one who would know what I'm talking about let's go come on, why are you still standing here and looking at me like that?!" Alec asked as he had started relaxing a bit on the way Magnus had looked at him, "this is because yours father, isn't it?! He wants to punish you of running away isn't he?!" Msgnus asked concerned as at same time Alec eyes went wide with surprise and his tears at his back of his eyes that were fighting hard not to falling, "H.. How do yo.. You know about my father?"

So, just wanted to apologize I wasn't posted lately, I'm pretty busy with work and lots of stuff in my life, so I really hope u all liked the chapter, and tell me of course if any of you would like to another chapter today?!

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