CHAPTER 8 (The Ball)

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"Izzy, Isabel" Magnus shouted to her when he bursted in to her room "Magnus god what is it??" what do you want?" "where is Alexander he didnt get out from his room like three days. I dont understand dosnt he eat or anything and he also need to help me with things to the ball and all" "ok, so what do you want from me? go to his room." Izzy answer back "oh yeah this is a great idea but guess what i already tried the door is locked and there is no sounds from the room as well like there is no one at the room" Magnus said starting to worry "well this is definitely wired lets try to open his door" "yeah this is a great idea i will call one of the bodyguard to kick the door" Magnus said all exaited they went to Alec's room and after like a half hour they finally broke the lock and opened the door but there was no one in the room "oh no what is going on?? Where is my servant i want my best servant back!!" "Magnus where is my brother why would he ran from here he said that was his dream all his life to be here this is impossible that he escape from here!! This is dosnt make since" "belive me Izzy this is wired for me too we actually finally started to even get alone together, a little this is so freaking wired" "well maybe i should tell my father he is coming to the ball too i invited him so he is in the city i guess" Magnus eyes widen "what did you just said??" Magnus asked with shaky frightened voice. He didnt liked Izzy and Alec's father after all the things he knew about him after he killed his own mother and also after he saw and heared everything he had done to Alec all his life "Izzy, what the fuck, why would you invite this person i dont understand you?!" Magnus was really confused but then he remembered what Alec said to his father at his mother grave that he lied to Izzy about everything so that's means she dosnt know anything about her monster father 'gosh this is so bad.. Ohh Alexander where are you? I really need you here' Magnus thouhght worriedly as he went away, and already felt how tears in his eyes going to betray him of falling. Izzy looked after Magnus shocked dosnt know why would Magnus talk at her father like that, 


The Ball Day

It had passed days since Alec disappeared but the ball day had to come eventually, Magnus of course wasn't relax but he didn't knew what to do anyway, but still he was totally nervous especially that he knew that his mother murderer Would be at the ball as Alec father as the king from other country and as a guest of course, he was all ready his new annoying temporary servant had helped him with clothes and all, he felt really loyalty right now like a real prince, after all the organizations it was finally the time to get down to the big hall room the ball place, as he got thrue the big doors seeing all the princess and princes he were looking specifically only two of them, but the guard from the door had to call his name loudly like doing to every prince or princess who got through the doors"THE PRINCE MAGNUS BANE" He had called out loud that made all faces to look directly at him, because after all he is the one who would need to choose in the end with who he would fall in love with it was hard for him seeing all thous excited faces and feel nothing for them, he waived with his hand nicely to everyone as he finally had catched with his eyes his two best friends, "Ragnor Catherina, god it's such a pleasure to see you both again, damn you both look amazing" he said "Awe thank you, so are you" they both said "ohh i miss my childhood friends, uhg I wish you weren't married, at least one of you could at least help me to pretending that I had chooses one of you and then I hadn't needed to pretending to fall in love at somebody in here, gosh" Magus said as both of his friends raised Theirs eyebrows "really Magnus?!, listen maybe this for the best, try to talk to someone you might think again after, you Can't never know what destiny would bring to you" Catherina said "yeah she is right" Ragnor agreed "like always" he continued and with a smooth move he kissed her roughly, but then at theirs middle of theirs make out the when guard had continued calling names there was this name that Magnus turned to look directly as the named called out loud "The king Robert Lightwood" everyone eyes were on the big doors as the doors had opened he finally had saw him he had finally saw the basterd who killed his mother, he had so many bodyguards with him that he had bearly saw that there was enother person "The prince ALEXANDER LIGHTWOOD" The guard had called out loud making everyone to look at the one of the beautifulest princes, at second Magnus heard that name his body almost betrayed him to fall on the ground, 'Alexander, he he is a prince and he is here Magnus was so shocked and confused at once he was in a dilemma at his head didn't know if to feel sorry for Alec or be mad if he betray him or something, he was too confused for this now', "Magnus, hi Magnus are you okay?" Catherina asked after seeing her best friend looking like something is up "uh, yeah shred of, I think" he said with soft fake smile but continued talking with them like nothing happened, but still in his head and heart he tried stop thinking of Alec so badly, but unsuccessful he looked towards Alec direction every five seconds and he felt something is really strange is happening the guards haven't moved a millimeter from the prince, and it seemed like Alec in sured of a trap after a some minutes Magnus saw Alec whispers something to one of the guards ear and from some reason he had let him go as Alec went away they finally had made an eye contact, and with Alec signs he understood what to do and went to the direction Alec sign to him to going on a place behind the wall when no one would see them, "Alexander, what is going on" he asked but Alec fastly shushed him "listen Mag us, I'm lucky I had even was able to escape now, I had to lie to my father bodyguard that I will pee on the floor if he won't let me go to the toilet" Alec said harshly, "awe so that is why he had let you go" Magnus said with little laugh, 

"But seriously Alexander, I can't believe you are here, oh my servant is finally back, you have no idea how much I was worried" Magnys said, making Alec face all sudden had looked light up a little more then before, "have you really had been that much concerned about me?!" Alec asked with a smirk "oh no, I was more worried about my clothes and who would clean my room or who would give me my food" Magnus said sassily that made both of them laughing, "god Magnus, listen, I know it might be a wired request for you but, I really need yours help, I really want to stay here and I don't care if it as servant or anything else, please just don't let me go back with my father again I begging you" Alec said as Magnus had looked at him with mercy at his eyes, and understood something isn't right "Alexander, what is going on please tell me, I will try to do whatever I can" he said quietly "Magnus I need a favor but, it's really big one" Alec said worryingly "What is it?!," "i.. I want you to hide me, I don't care where just hide me far from my father please", he was bagged, Magnus looked surprised on that but of course he understand, "ok lets go i have an idea to where to go. This party is boring anyway" "wait Magnus we need to be careful. I dont want that my father bodyguard will see me here with you i just toled him i gonna to the toilet and even then he didnt let me go but when i toled him it can be massy if i wont go to pee it will be very embarrassing for all of us just then he let me go so lets try to not be seems ok?!" "yeah ok lets go" Magnus said taking Alec's hand and they bouth ran faster from the hall room "come on to my room there will be no one there i'm sure" Magnus said when they entered to Magnus room "OMG Magnus.. What the fuck hapen to your room?" Alec asked shoked from everything on the flor and nothing in the clothet "What the fuck Magnus?! Did someone broke your room and did this? Gosh i bet it is my father dosnt it?! What hapen??" "No no" Magnus tried to relax him quickly "no one broke here it is just all the servan who tried to help i kick them away" Magnus said a little embarrassing but kept to explain when he saw Alec shock face "what.. No one was good as you have been the didnt knew exactlly what i was needed i was sooo angry all the time and when i was saw that your room was ampty i felt like ahh.. I felt like my lucky get over" "so you actully saing here that you missed me!?" "i never said it" Magnus answer quickly that made Alec raised an eyebrow "ok" now he lughed a little when Magnus locked the door and started to pik up stuf from the flor "it's ok Magnus you dont need to stay here with me i can hide here alon i will clean here up untill you will be back just go have fun" he said winking to him "i dont want to get back there" why not Magnus?, dont you need to finde your perfect prince or princess??" Alec asked with a little jealous in his voice "yeah, This is why i dont want to get back. I dont feel anything for anyone there and i prefer to spand this time here watching my servant hiding" "you know that i'm a prince too. Maybe you will fall in love with me?!" Alec said sassilly he didnt knew why but actully he was really happy that Magnus choosed to stay with him, also he didnt knew what he had just said made Magnus feel like his cheeks are getting hot from what he had just said "ha, ha very funny Alexander" Magnus said as he had throw a pillow on him making them both giggling, 


"Hey Alexander it's ok you dont have to clean here" Magnus said after a while, Alec had started picking up stuff from around the room "Magnus i really need something to be distract now, so please let me do it" Alec said when he had continued to take clothes from the floor "ok as you want but at least let me help you" he said. But then Alec had stopped and looked at Magnus shocked "what why are you looking at me so shocked?" "did you just offered to help me to clean your room?? Woww Magnus i'm.. Oh woww so surprised, speechless you can even say" Alec said sassily "shut up and let me help you" Magnus said and that made them bouth giggled then they bouth leaned to take something from the floor together at the same cloth that thiers hands was brushed together and they bouth felted like theirs heart will jump out from how fast they had beated and theirs cheeks got rose red as well. They looked embarrassingly at each other, but of course that there someone who needed to interupted them with a really scerry knocks on the door "Magnus, Magnus are you there??" Jace and Clary askec knocking on the door "the king looking for you he said it is the time you need to choose and take a dance with the prince or the princes you choosed" Jace said in the end behind the door "ok i heared you Blondy i will be there in a few minuets now go!" Magnus said but Alec saw that he looked sad Magnus didnt liked any of the princess that came "you dont like any of thous arogents prince or princess there dont you?!" Alec asked cearfully "no, Alexander what should i do??" Magnus asked desperate "look i have an idea. But you clearly dont gonna like it but it will help to bouth of us" Alec said making Magnus more corius "well what the idea??" Magnus asked coriusly "i will be your prince"

Hi you all I'm glad to see someone is actually reading this story, and I would also love for some feed back to know what any of you think of the story, I Would really aprecciet this, ❤❤❤

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