CHAPTER 4 (a little secret)

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"Father did you really said to my servant you want to talk to me that early in the morning?!" Magnus asked with a little tired eyes when he entered the room, "Magnus finally you are here and yes i toled Alexander to tell you i waiting for you here i want to talk with you about a few things" Asmodeus said when Magnus fixed his sleeve and sited beside his father "Alexander??, so now to this basterd servant have a full name here too?!" Asmodeus raise an eyebrow to how Magnus talked on this guy "Magnus everything ok?! You dont like Alec too? And i was planned to make him your personal servant already dosnt he good for you he doing everything perfect as you wants dosnt it?!" "yes Dad he is even maybe too good but only as a servant i guess, well so i guess we are not here to talk about my servant dosnt we Dady?!" "no. Not at all. I just wanted to reminde you about that this week we are going to Mom greave together remeber?" "damn Dad you dont need to remind me this i know the date day how can you even think that i forgat?" "well maybe beacouse you never remember anything imprtents that i telling you! And for exampul, do you remember that i toled you last week about that you need to find your love already a prince or a princess it dosnt matter just find someone and you have only a three mounth so start to seasrch now Magnus you need it belive me!" "wait Dad, why only three mounth?" "well, because you have to give a statement in front of all the people this is why, in another three months you need to to tolk about the prince or the princess you fell in love with and choose. Did you forget that I told you this last week? You are a prince for the sake of God You have to start to behaving like one and in a three months You are getting to be twenty years old! The age you need to started to help me more in everything related to the kingdom"
Alec now came in to the room with a jar of water and two glasses of ice inside.
Dad you can't be serious, i only going to be twenty years old i can't I'm to young for this" Magnus complained "ahmm and acting like a child too" Alec added in whisper to himself as he puts the glass of water on the table,but then there was little quiet, it seems like Asmodeus and Magnus had heared very clearly what he had said and Asmodeus couldn't hold his laughing anymore and brushed out laughing "Dad, stop laughing, it not funny!" Magnus said offended by his father that had took Alec side in here "uhgg you know what Alexander.." Magnus said as he got annoyed as his father kept laughing "what? Fired?!" Alec asked sarcastically "you can't fired me and you know that," Alec continue "as much that I'm annoying you, you know I'm yours best servant you ever had doesn't it?!, And that is why you can't fired me and you know that I'm right!" Alec said the last words as he punched Magnus cheek as little kid and made a weak slapped in the end making the prince get speachless at what the hell is happening Alec continue talking to him "okay now princey, take a deep breath and go to yours room now, i will be there for yours service in a few minutes" Alec said as he started to push Magnus out of the loyalty doors room as Asmodeus were still launch he never at his entire life he had never saw his son as speachless he was now it was really amusing for him to see what Alec can do,
But stop his laughing at second Alec turned to him with sad face, "so, i guess he doesn't know dose he?!" Alec asked as he looked down at the floor. "He doesn't know that I'm the reason that his mother had died" Alec whispered sadly as he looked back at Asmodeus "ohh Alexander, my boy, haven't i told you already to stop blaming yourself on that?!" Asmodeus said as he let Alec come to him for a hugg as he excepted the hugg Asmodeus continued, "listen Alexander, yes, my wife had died because she had protected you from the bulit but don't forget it was her choose to make and with that she had protected on a beautiful little boy, you really should stop blaming yourself okay?!" Asmodeus said and made Alec looking at him in the eyes as he wiped his little tears from Alec cheeks "i love you like a son you understand me?!, So please stop thinking that, Ginnie wouldn't want you to blame yourself, you know how much she loved you she always said that you and Magnus could be such a good friends" Asmodeus said with emotional smile as the memories of his wife continue came to him "but unfortunately yours basterd father came here to my kingdom and kidnapped you after he and his new queen had won at the war in yours hom and took you away from us it was an awful day" Asmodeus said with crack voice "yes, i remember that day" Alec said sadly in whisper "it was the worst day in my life to be taken away from my family and my Mom from everyone i loved and i got stuck at this prison palace for years had been tortured by my father and his Cruela devil queen they treated me like a slave even worth i can't even describe you how awful was it there" Alec said sobing as Asmodeus took him for hugg again, "oh my boy you have been thru so much" Asmodeus said planting a kiss on Alec had, after a few minutes of Alec relaxing at Asmodeus arms Asmodeus said "listen Alec go wash yours face first and then go to Magnus, i think he is waiting for you i just hope that you and Magnus would get along soon you would be great together you just need to learn to know him better okay?! So be patient with him" "okay i will try, thank you Asmodeus for everything" Alec said as hugged him for last time and leaved the loyalty room.

*At Magnus room
"Hey Magnus look at me. Why is your face look like that? What is it? What is wrong why the fall face?" Alec heared behind Magnus door Izzy asking him "Izzy, this is the week date my mother diea i just i dont know what to feel she was a hero i know! she save a little child life i know that too but, beacous of this kid i dont have a mother now i grew up without a Mather Izzy so i'm sad" Alec's heart was beatting so fast and tears fall from his eyes 'this is all my falt and he dosnt even know! he dosnt know i'm the kid who his mother diea for. he dosnt know how guilty i already feel or how sorry i'm but i promised to Ganny Magnus, i promised her i will be there for you that i will protect you and help you to become a greate king one day and a good prince untill then' "Oh Magnus i'm so sorry" Alec whispered to himsel and keep hearing Magnus and Izzi Conversation "me and my father going to her grave in a two days and also he want me to find a prince or a princess in a three mounth for God sake" Magnus said wipping his own tears and in the other side of the door Alec was sited behind the door remembering the trauma << of few years ago at how this amazing breave whomen saved him from this guy with the gun in his hand as he snatched three bullets at her back as she hugged Alec tightly and Alec was catching her shirt so tightly as well but then he was realised that her shirt getting wet and he looked at her all shaking and saw all the blood on her back socking her shirt>> but then he remebered where he was and stood up and went to the kitchen, as he taking somthing to drink. He took the glass of a cold water and then he saw in the frige the Bloobery pie of Magnus then an idea came to his mind to go and sourprise Magnus and bring him a pice of his favorite pie maybe it would help him to relax a little,

Alec came to Magnus room and cnocked on the door. He knew that Magnus need a moment there even if Izzy was there "who is it" Izzy asked "it's me Izz Alec," Alec said and Izzy opened the door "i broght you some pie that you like i hope it is not a bed time for that" Alec said and Magnus looked at him surprised how the fuck did he knew what exatlly he needed or want at the right time this is too inceredeble "thank you Alexander i really need for some pie right now" he said quitly "have you cryed?" Izzy suddenly asked Alec that now Magnus raised his head from his pie to Alec to see what Izzy was talking about and he saw that Alec's eyes was pretty red like he was crying Alec made a weak lugh "what.. Ha.. No what are you talking about i wasnt crying" Alec said trying to not be that obviusly and looked at bouth of them that they was sweatching looks between them and then to him "did my father fired you beacouse how you were talked to me this is why have you cryed? And if he did i gonna hired you again you are the best and the greate servant i had ever have" Magnus said and Alec felt like his cheeks get blushed he wasnt used to it and was really surprised "what? no.. Your father didn't fired me we are a good friends me and him why would he be fired me?!" Alec asked confused and was fluttered by how sudden Magnus was nice to him even if it was just for a sec. "And stop thinking i was cry maybe it is the light here" he said and left the room and Magnus and Izzy looking with a opens mouth after him. "Damn Izz your brother going to be the death of me one day" Magnus said after Alec left "he is not that bed Magnus you just need to learn to know him he had been thru a lot in his life so dont judge him or anything" she said as she mumbled "maybe his trauma started to came back to him again" but Magnus heared it really clearly "what are you talking about? What trauma Izzy? Tell me" he said all sudden concerned "what? Awe.. i.. Well.. i Actually have no idea, i dont know anything as well the only thing i know is that only the king and my mother know the story, they didnt told me anything, even not Alec, that he telling telling me more or less everything." Izzy said as Magnus suddenly realised something "wait, are you saying that my father knows about it too??" Magnus asked shoked as Izzy nodded "wow it just getting more interesting, This is explain a lot at why they are so close with each others" Magnus continue "well there is only one thing i should do about it" Magnus said making Izzy get curious "what are you gonna do Magnus?" She asked "I'm going to investigate that" Izzy looked a bit surprised but couldn't agreed more "okay then, if you are finding anything just tell me okay?! I really concerned about him. He is my big brother after all" Izzy said with soft smile as she left Magnus room leaving him alone to his thoughts,

Note: ok everyone i hope u enjoyed this chapter as well, i also would like for some comments it really motivated me so if anyone wants more so write down below. ❤️

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